The rest of the day goes quickly as I am completely withdrawn from the world and fully enveloped in the manuscript which ended terribly sad and left me incredibly heartbroken. With tears staining my cheeks, I leave for the day and head home. I haven't heard from Max once since I left her asleep and grumpy in bed and Trevor words keep replaying in my mind. He just had to bring up weddings and marriage at the worst possible time to do so. I need a distraction from my pestering thoughts, sometimes I wish I could just shut my mind off like other people seem to. I don't like that I overthink everything but I can't help it. It is who I am and now all I can think of is Max and I not having a future.
I really need to do something to get my mind off of obsessing over this, she is who she is and she doesn't want to ever get married or have children. This is one of those times that I wish I had some friends to go hang out with, maybe I will call Addison after I go to Conner's to get groceries and do a load of laundry. Max and Liam will be going to the hockey game tonight, I hope that goes well.
When I arrive at the apartment Max is pacing back and forth in the bedroom.
"Hey." I say as I enter the room.
"Hey. How was your day?" She sits down on the edge of the bed.
"It was okay, I guess."
"What's wrong?" Max turns her head to look at me.
"The manuscript I read today was so sad, incredible but so heartbreaking." I say, trying not to get emotional again.
"Oh, it must have been good if you are still upset about it. I would hate to have been there the first time you read A Farewell to Arms." She smiles and I sit down next to her.
"This was worse, so much worse." I say and she grabs ahold of my shirt, pulling me to lay my head on her shoulder.
"My sensitive girl." She speaks, running her fingers up and down my spine.
The way the words sound make my stomach flutter, to be called 'my girl' in any form makes me much happier than it should.
"Did you even go to classes today?" I ask Max.
"Nope. Watching the kid wore me out."
"By watching the kid you mean watching television with him."
"Same thing. I did more than you did."
"So you like him then?" I'm not sure why I am asking this.
"No, well as far as annoying children go, he isn't at the top of the list but I won't be planning any play dates soon." He smiles.
I roll my eyes but don't say anything else about Smith.
"Are you ready for the game tonight?" I look up at her.
"No, I already told him I am not going." She tells me.
"Max! You have to go." I shriek.
"I am teasing.. he will be here soon. You owe me for this shit, Charli." Max groans.
"You like hockey though, and Liam is good company."
"Not as good of company as you." She kisses my cheek.
"You are in a good mood for someone who acts like they are being lead to slaughter."
"If this goes badly, I won't be the one who is slaughtered."
"You better be nice to Liam tonight." I warn her.
She raises her hands to mock innocence but I know better. A knock is heard at the door and Max stays put.

YOU 2 [Charli D'Amelio]
Teen FictionThis is the sequel (continuation) of You. Max and Charli's relationship will be tested in ways she never expected, but max knew all along. (Charli D'Amelio GP FANFICTION ADAPTATION) All rights goes to the original author.)