Chapter 181.

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"So what did NYU say?" I ask Liam as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"I just need to fax them a few things when I get home and hopefully I'll be able to start next semester. I can't believe I'm really doing it."

"Me either! I would be so scared!" I tell him.

"Well thanks Charli, that makes me feel better." He laughs.

"I mean I would but you are different. You aren't afraid of change, I have never been further than Seattle in my entire life."

"You will have to visit New York of course."

"I will." The thought makes me nervous but excited at the same time.

"Don't kill me for saying this but if you've never been further than Seattle, how do you know that's where you want to live forever?"

"I don't know.. I just love it and it's a great place for me to be for my career..." I trail off.

His question is a valid one but it doesn't alter my decision.

"I just picture myself in Seattle, working in a publishing house downtown. Vance preferably, and the people in Seattle are so interesting and there are coffee shops on every corner." I explain.

"True." He smiles.

"Maybe I will want to go somewhere else like New York City later in life, but for the next few years it's Seattle for me." I tell him.

"I can't believe I'll be going to NYU, it's incredible really."

"It really is, are you going to tell your mom and Ken?"

"Yeah, I have to use his fax machine." He smiles.

"They will be happy for you, even though Ken obviously supports WSU." I tease.

"So how was the rest of your day?" He asks when we pull in the driveway.

I really need to figure out the next step from here, where am I going to live?

I know that I agreed to go on a date with Max but I'm not moving back in. I need a break from the relationship that has emotionally drained me. I know accepting Max's offer for a date wasn't exactly conducive to a break but I couldn't help but say yes. She was so nervous and almost sweet. I told her I would think about giving her another chance so that's what I am doing. Thinking about it.

And going on a date with her.

My ever-obnoxious subconscious reminds me. It's only a date. A simple date, with Max. The concept seems insane really that I just spent the last eleven days without her and now I'm going on a "date" with her. I don't think people usually go on dates with the person they are trying to distance themselves from. It doesn't make much sense but nothing I have done since I got to WSU has made any sense.

"Max came to yoga class." I tell my best friend.

"She what?"

"Yeah, she came to yoga then asked me on a date."

"I told her to give you a few days." Liam groans.

"You told her? This was your idea?" I can't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Yeah, I mean sort of. I told her to give you some space and try to take you on a proper date."

I guess I should have assumed Max would need some help with this, I'm just glad it was Liam she went to for it.

"Do you think it's a good idea, or is it too soon?"

When we walk in the house it smells of brownies and cinnamon, a delicious mixture.

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