Chapter 187.

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Max's POV.

"Thank you." I sigh in relief and frustration.

I don't really know what to say or how to begin because I didn't expect her to actually listen to me.

I move towards her and stand in front of where she is sitting on the bed, she looks up at me with an unreadable expression and I pace back and forth for a few seconds before stopping to talk.

"Okay.. so this is all just twisted around and fucked up. You thought I asked to come over and then I stood you up, you should know by now that I wouldn't do that."

"Should I?" She interrupts.

I don't know how I expect her to know that by now when I have done so much shit.

"You're right.. but be quiet." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"My party fucking sucked and I wouldn't have even went if you didn't want me to. I didn't drink at all, well actually I did have one drink but that's all. I didn't talk to any other girls, I barely spoke to Molly, and I sure as hell wasn't hanging out with strippers. Why the fuck would I want anything to do with a stripper when I have you?"

Her eyes soften slightly and she's no longer glaring at me like she wants to chop my fucking head off. Its a start.

"Not that I have you.. but I'm trying to have you again. I don't want anyone else. More importantly, I don't want you to want anyone else either. I don't know why you would run to Zayn anyway, I know he's nice to you blah blah blah .. but he's full of shit."

"He hasn't done anything to make me think that Max." She says.

"He text you from my phone pretending to be me, he purposely told you about the strippers.."

"You dont' know that he text me and I'm glad he told me about the strippers."

"I would have told you if you would've answered when i called you. I had no idea what was going on, I didn't know you made me a cake or that you were waiting on me. It's already hard enough to get you to see that I'm trying here but then he has to come in between us and plant these ideas in your head."

She stays silent.

"So where do we go from here? I need to know because this back and forth shit is killing me and I can't give you space any longer." I kneel down in front of her and her eyes meet mine as I wait for an answer.

Charli's POV.

I don't know what to do or say to Max at this point.

Part of me knows she isn't lying to me about the texts but I don't think Zayn would do that to me. I just got finished talking to him about everything with Max and he was so kind and understanding.

But this is Max.

"Can you give me an answer?" Her voice is low and slow.

"I don't know, I'm tired of the back and forth too. It's so exhausting and I can't do it anymore, I really can't." I tell her.

"But I didn't do anything, we were fine until yesterday and none of this is my fault. I know it usually is but not this time. I'm sorry I didn't spend my birthday with you. I know I should have and I'm sorry." Max says.

She rests her palms on her thighs as she sits in front of me on her knees, not begging like before but just waiting.

If she's telling the truth about not sending the texts, which I believe she is, then this really is just a misunderstanding.

"When will it stop though? I've had enough of all of it. I had such a great time when you took me out but you wouldn't even come inside when I asked." It has been bothering me that she declined my invitation but I didn't want to bring it up.

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