Chapter 158.

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"What are you wearing?" she asks and takes a step backward to look at me.

"Yoga clothes." I shrug.

I remember the last time I wore yoga pants in front of Max and the crude remarks she spoke and those yoga pants weren't as tight as these.

"Turn around." She says and looks around the hall to make sure we are alone.

'What? No."

"Charli, turn around." She says again.

"I am not doing that." A group of basketball players walk through the door to our right and Max rolls her eyes in defeat. I can't help but smile at her annoyance.

"Well what are you waiting on? Lets go." Max says, pulling me down the hallway.

She makes it a point to walk slightly behind me and I suddenly want to go back to the tenth grade when I would tie a sweater around my waist to hide myself.

"You are going to need to get more of these pants." Her voice is quiet.

I laugh lightly and grab her hand to force her to walk next to me instead of behind me.

"You aren't seriously taking yoga." No matter how hard I try to picture Max posing, the image just won't come.

"Yeah, I am."

"You do know what yoga is don't you?" I ask her as we walk into the room.

"Yes, Charli. I know what it is and I am taking it with you." She huffs.


"It doesn't matter why, I just want to spend more time with you." Max says.

"Oh." I am not convinced by her explanation but I am looking forward to seeing her in yoga class and the extra time with her doesn't hurt either.

The instructor is sitting on a bright yellow yoga mat in the center of the room. Her curly brown hair piled on top of her head and her flower print shirt make a good first impression.

"Where is everyone?" Max asks me as I grab a purple mat from the shelving unit on the wall.

"We are early." I hand her a blue one and she examines it before tucking it under her arm.

"Of course we are." She smiles sarcastically and follows me to the front of the room.

I begin to lay my mat down directly in front of the instructor but Max grabs my arm to stop me.

"No way, we are sitting in the back." She says.

"What? No, I always sit in the front." I argue.

"Exactly. We are sitting in the back." She repeats and takes my mat from my hands to head to the back of the room.

"If you are going to be grumpy you shouldn't stay." I whisper to her.

"I am not grumpy."

The instructor introduces herself to Max and I when we take a seat on our mats and Max claims that she knows she is high which makes me giggle.

I begin to grow annoyed as the room fills with girls in tight yoga pants and tiny tank tops that all seem to glance or stare at Max. Luckily Max doesn't seem to notice the heaps of female attention she is receiving, either that or she is just very used to it, that has to be it. She gets attention like this all of the time. It's not like I blame the girls but she is my girlfriend and they need to look elsewhere. I know some of the girls are looking at her because of her tattoos and piercings, they must be wondering why the heck she is taking a yoga class.

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