Chapter 167.

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"Professor Soto said he will give me the class assignments for this week if I brought my friends to his show, so I will be expecting that today." I smile at Liam.

The ache in my chest grows each hour that I don't hear from Max. I'm pretty sure she didn't come home at this point, that or she's ignoring me. If anyone should be ignoring anyone, it's me. I know pushing marriage with her isn't something she wants, and I know it's too soon but it's not marriage that I am pushing, its just some type of future. I have been through hell and back for her and she doesn't think about me when it comes to these types of things. I am glad that I stood up to her but I do miss her.

"That's a little odd, don't you think?" Liam says as we enter the classroom for our religion class.

"What is?"

"That he basically bribed you to see him outside of the classroom.."

"It's not like he asked me to come alone or anything." I shrug.

I don't get that creepy, dangerous vibe from Professor Soto at all. If anything, the fact that he stood up to Max made me respect him more. I am used to everyone being intimidated by him so it's refreshing when someone puts him in his place.

"I still think it's inappropriate." Liam says.

"Okay Max." I tease, my chest tightening at the use of her name.

"I'm just saying, be careful. Where is Max anyway? She didn't stalk you to the coffee house this morning." Liam grins.

"She's....well I don't know actually. she didn't come home last night." I sigh and take my seat in the front row.

"What do you mean she didn't come home, from Canal Place or whatever it's called?"

"Canal Street Tavern.. but no we left there together but she was in a bad mood because she had an awkward exchange with Professor Soto and then we got in a fight over our future and the fact that she doesn't want one with me. She said she wouldn't even move to Seattle with me."

"Wait.. Professor Soto and Max?" Liam whispers, looking around the room.

"Yeah, it was basically just a pissing contest. Max was already in a bad mood anyway so that just pushed her over the edge I guess."

"That's really awkward. What makes you think she doesn't want a future with you?" Liam asks.

"She said it. She literally said that she hasn't thought about a future and she doesn't want to then she said that if I don't like it I can leave." I feel embarrassed repeating the hurtful things that she said to me, even to Liam who I trust the most.

"She said that?"

"Yeah, she said that me bringing up marriage to her is psychotic."

"But asking you to move in before anyone even knew you were together isn't?"

"That's exactly what I said. She is so confusing." I rub my temples.

"It's ten after nine, shouldn't class have already started?" The girl behind us says loudly.

When I look up Professor Soto is entering the room, he is wearing a leather jacket over a white button up shirt and tie.

"Morning everyone! Sorry I'm late, I had a late night last night." He smiles and shakes his jacket from his shoulders before throwing it across the back of his chair.

"I hope everyone took the time to either purchase or steal a journal?" He says and Liam and I look at one another and pull our journals out.

It amazes me how unprepared college students are. I should have brought one of my extras for one of my unprepared classmates.

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