Chapter 148.

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"Just toss it across the table into any of these cups and we have to drink the cup that the ball lands into, whichever team knocks out all the other's cups wins." Tristan explains.

"Wins what?" I ask.

"Nothing, you just don't get drunk as fast because you don't have to drink as many cups." He laughs.

"We will go first." Addison says.

She playfully rubs the small white ball against Tristan's shirt before blowing on it and tossing it across the table. It bounces off of the lip of the front cup before rolling into the cup behind it.

"You want to drink first?" Zayn asks.

"Sure." I shrug and lift the cup.

When Tristan tosses the next ball across the table he misses, It falls to the floor and Zayn picks it up, dipping it into the lone glass of water on our side. So that is what that is for. It is hardly sanitary but this is a college party what do I really expect?

"Yea, I am the one who sucks." Addison taunts him and he smiles at her.

"You go first." Zayn instructs.

My first attempt at playing beer.. well cherry vodka sour.. pong seems to be going well as I have made four shots in a row.

My jaw hurts from smiling and giggling at my opponents and my blood is singing from the liquor and the fact that I love to be successful at things, even college drinking games.

"You have played this before! I know you have!" Addison is ashe accuses me with a hand on her hip.

"No, I am just skilled." I laugh.

"Skilled?" She mocks.

"Don't be jealous of my killer beer pong skills." I say and everyone within a five foot radius bursts into laughter.

"Oh lord! Please do not say skills again!" Addison says and I hold my stomach while I try to stop laughing.

This game was a better idea than I thought. The large amount of alcohol I have consumed helps and I feel carefree. Young and carefree.

"If you make this we will win." I encourage Zayn.

The more cups he drinks, the more comfortable he seems to be around me.

"I will make it." He boasts with a smile.

The small ball cuts through the air and lands directly into the last remaining cup on Steph and Tristan's side of the table.

I squeal and jump up and down like an idiot but I could care less. Zayn claps his hands once and without thinking I wrap my arms around his neck in excitement. He stumbles back a little but his arms reach my waist before we both pull away. It was a harmless hug, we have just won the game and I am excited. Harmless. Addison's eyes are wide when I look over at her, making me look around the room for Max.

She is no where to be found, but so what if she was? She is the one who left me alone at this party. I can not even call or text her because she has my phone in her pocket.

"I want a re-match!" Addison yells.

"Want to play again?" I ask Zayn.

He looks around the room before answering.

"Yea..yea.. let's do another." He smiles.

Zayn and I win for the second time which causes Addison and Tristan both to playfully accuse us of cheating.

"You okay?" Zayn asks as the four of us leave the table.

Two games of beer pong was enough for me, I am sort of intoxicated. Okay, more than sort of, but I feel amazing. Tristan leads Ado into the kitchen, to get another drink I assume.

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