Chapter 117.

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When I finally wake up it is two in the afternoon. I can't remember the last time I slept past eleven, let alone two o'clock but I also have to take into account that I stayed up until four reading and browsing through the wonderful gift from Max. It is so thoughtful, too thoughtful, but the best gift I have ever received. I grab my phone off the nightstand and check my missed calls. Two from my mother and one from Liam. A few "Happy Birthday messages clog my inbox, including one from Chase. I am not that into birthdays and never have been but I don't exactly love the idea of being alone on my birthday either. Well, I won't be alone. Catherine Earnshaw and Elizabeth Bennet are much better company than my mother.

I order too much Chinese food and stay in my pajamas the entire day. My mother is irate that I am "sick". I can tell that she doesn't believe me but honestly I don't care. It's my birthday and I can do whatever I choose to do and if what I chose to do is lay in bed with takeout and my new book then that's what I will do.

My fingers try to dial Max's number a few times, but I stop them. No matter how wonderful her present was, she still slept with Molly. Whenever I think she couldn't possibly hurt me worse, she does. I begin to think about my dinner with Trevor on Saturday. He is so nice, and so charming. He says what he means and he compliments me. He doesn't yell at me, or annoy me. He has never lied to me. I never have to guess what he is thinking or how he is feeling. He is smart, educated, successful, and he volunteers on holidays. He is so perfect, compared to Max. The problem is that I shouldn't be comparing him to Max. Trevor is a little boring yes, and we don't share the same passion for novels as Max and I do, but we also don't have the damaged past that Max and I share.

The most infuriating thing about Max is that I actually love her personality, rudeness and all. She is funny, witty, and can be so sweet when she wants to be. This gift is messing with my head, I need to remember what she has done to me. All the lies, secrets, and most recently sleeping with Molly.

I text Liam back to thank him and within seconds he responds telling me to text him the address of my hotel. I want to tell him not to drive all the way here, but I also don't want to spend the remainder of my day completely alone. I don't get dressed, I just put a bra on and wait for Liam to arrive.

An hour later, he knocks at the door and I open it with a smile. It is so nice to see him, it has been too long. His familiar, warm smile makes me smile in return and he pulls me into his arms.

"Happy Birthday Charli." He says into my hair.

"Thank you." I say and hug him tighter.

"Do you feel any older?" He asks and sits on the chair.

"No, well yes. I feel like I have aged ten years in the last week." I tell him.

He gives me a small smile but doesn't say anything.

"I ordered takeout, there is plenty left if you want some." I offer and he grabs the white styrofoam container and a plastic fork from the desk.

"Thanks. So is this what you're doing all day?" He teases.

"Yep. Sure is." I laugh and sit cross legged on the bed and pick up the nook.

"You got an e-reader? I thought you hated them?" Liam raises his brow at me.

"Well.. I did but now I love them, thousands of books right at my fingertips! What could be better." I smile and tilt my head to the side.

"Well nothing says happy birthday like  buying yourself a nook." He says with his mouth full of rice.

"This." I gesture to the empty takeout box and nook.

"You aren't going to go home?"

"This is more of a home than my mother's house." I say and try not to think about how pathetic I am.

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