Chapter 15 - Did I miss something?

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- Hey look another relatively short one!

- Boss sir is meant to be read as bosssir not boss, sir


POV: Nerovsky

Without turning around (back facing the entrance door), I loudly said, "Mr. Covell. Mr. Fonzo. You can come out now." That's right bitch. I noticed you guys standing behind the door from the moment I stood on the first pole. I'm also gonna assume the loud creaking was the door opening up wider.

I heard both of them make what sounded like a grumble of astonishment(?) and the further creaking of the door. I used this as my cue to turn around and face them head-on. The first thing I noticed was both of them were not masking their emotion of genuine shock and wonder. Mr. Fonzo had been surprised and was confounded with amusement whereas Mr. Covell was also shocked but the emotion was accompanied with excitement, amusement, concern, bemusement and a tiny bit of anger. Hey, I didn't destroy the pole, the bitch did. I had no concern with the pole. I rate it 10/10. It was perfect for standing on top of it and looking down on her like a tyrant. She on the other hand, clearly had issues with the pole.

Fonzo startled me when he began cracking up out of nowhere, causing Leonardo to quirk up one of his eyebrows. I was puzzled for a solid minute before it dawned on me why there was a sudden outburst. I gasped quietly and voice out, "I said that out loud didn't I?"

Erwin had the oh so kind courtesy of replying, "yes" before losing it again.

I felt blood rushing up my neck and to my face. I began stammering and flustering around in order to explain myself which causes the bastard Fonzo to go through another fit and Covell to send to a small smirk at me QUITE CONDESCENDINGLY IF I DO SAY SO. Their reaction calmed me down a bit so I straighten up and cleared my throat in an attempt to get their attention.

"Boss sir and... boss sir's friend. I thought I requested for you guys to not come up here?" After all, it was because of you fuckers I couldn't use my powers earlier on and end it in a minute. I would've just caused her to have short term amnesia, manipulate her memories somehow and then get Aiden to deal with the rest of the cleaning process. Oh, Aiden is so gonna stab me. I need to call him ASAP. If I had my other fucking phone, I could emergency button him BUT NOOOOO the only place that I thought wouldn't need my magic happened to require my magic. Do I have to fucking carry around both my phones to work now? Risky frisky business I tell you.

Leonardo crossed his arms over his chest and gave me a look. That look was telling me without words, "who do you think you are, ordering me around." He basically ended up saying it out loud anyway but in a bit more hedged fashion.

"You do realise that you can't actually order me around... right? It's me who's your boss."

I mumbled to myself, "Not for long. Also, this authority bs is what got me in this mess in the first place."

"What?" Leonardo inquired.

I smiled my oh so genuine smile. "Nothing sir. I apologise for requesting such an impossible demand. Fault on my part." At this point, I'm just trying to get myself fired.

I saw a muscle twitch on his forehead and he plasters the sweetest smile in the universe. However, you could see it's the fakest and more importantly, the scariest. It's the smile you give before you start stabbing them. Yep, I'm fired. Goners. Goneroos. Dead.

I attempted to defend myself and give a more honest response, to give myself enough time to run away. "Sorry, Leona- Mr.Covell (whoops nearly slipped there). My sarcastic attack was definitely not necessary. I just had the worst day BEFORE even meeting Ms. Chase and right now, I think I'm running on pure adrenaline. My Oddity sucked the remaining energy I had leftover to do to basic human functions. So I'm definitely not thinking straight either."

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