Chapter 63 - Is NASA hiring right now?

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- I'm going on holiday this upcoming week so no new chapters for this week and maybe next.

- Ok I'm definitely changing them from present to past tense. Idk what was wrong with me back then but present tense is so fucking awkward like holy. Anyway, it's going to be a real slow process so for readers who have caught up while I'm doing the editing, apologies for the awkward shift.

- 16th Oct 2021 update: I'm keeping these notes up just to see what the state of my head was at the time but for new readers, this story was initially present tense but I decided to change it to past, except for ch.65-76 bc when I made the decision, I wrote up to twelve chapters that I could not be arsed changing. I still don't know if I'm going to change those just yet. Maybe when I'm extremely bored


POV: Nero

(continuing from before)

It was dead silent once all the bad guys dropped to the ground. Just blank, confused and fear-filled stares. There were stares of admiration but I pretended those were also fearful glares or else my face would heat up from all the attention.

No one did anything for a minute. It was a standstill. I didn't move because after knocking them out, I blanked out and didn't know what to do next other than flying back up again, which was very uncharacteristic of me. But then again, when I usually did these, there was somewhat of a plan. I was completely winging whatever I was doing, so cut me some slack.

Luckily, a couple of gunshots directed towards me broke the dreadful silence and brought back some action into my life. Said action, however, grazed the side of my arm due to my weakened reflexes (Raziel was going to shit on me after this). But it wasn't anything that couldn't be healed.

I immediately faced the source, behind the counters and called out, "τείχος!"

A large black yet transparent barrier formed behind me, creating a wall between me and all of the hostages. Adults were either screaming out of shock and scrambling further away from the newly positioned wall, or were holding back children who tried to have a taste of the evil magic. Literally.

The robbers were fazed for a second before they shot the barrier and aimed at me, only for their efforts to be met with disappointment.

"Did these mere Neanderthals think their stupid metal plastic is going to pierce through MY magic? These plebeians got nothing on the ex-ruler of the underworld! Why I ought to– "

I'd cut him off with an eye roll and zoned him out as I continuously dodged the rapid rain of bullets. Oh yeah, there were two more of them who entered the vaults. Seems like they heard the commotion that's going on. Speaking of which, are the staff they took alright?

As soon as that thought passed by, the two heisters stopped pointlessly wasting bullets and instead directed their barrels towards the temples of the hostages, who were held in a headlock. "STAY WHERE YOU ARE," one of them screamed, "OR ELSE THEIR HEADS ARE GOING TO BE BLOWN OFF."

The victims were trying hard to not sob out loud while trying to telepathically tell me to listen to their demands. I humoured them and remained put with the blankest of expressions on my face. I crossed my arms over my chest and raised my eyebrows as if to ask what's next.

They got the non-verbal message and the other robber spoke (with a slight tremor in their voice). "You're going to clear up a pathway and get us out to safety with the duffel bags."

They were brave I'll give you that. "Oh? And why should I do that?"

"Or else we'll pull the trigger faster than you can say run."

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