Chapter 31 - Is it just me or is everything spinning?

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... But I don't stop. I don't stop. I will not stop.


POV: Nero

So I stopped.

Ok, hear me out. I was on the verge of basically killing the damn guy but Aiden happened to be one of the observers (Aiden broke a bit of the force field from the top to watch) and when he noticed me basically losing my shit (I have no clue how), he broke me out of my daze by ringing my phone that surprisingly didn't die from all the beating. I picked it up and cautiously said, "Hello?"

"NERO STOP! Don't you dare kill him!"

Yeah so after that, I stopped, Aiden jumped down, began scolding me but I was zoned out because all the adrenaline was finally rushing out and the tiredness was finally kicking in. Didn't help that I was still trying to maintain that stupid force field.

"Nero, are you listening to me?"

"Honestly, no."

Aiden gave me a look. "Well, I'm not going to repeat everything I just said so I'm just going to ask the important stuff. Why on earth did you call for your demon friend?"

"Well hello to you too, asshole."

"He says hello asshole. Also, I called him out because I needed a shit ton of his power. You know, to maintain this piece of shit. That you happened to crack open." I pointed at the force field's hole.

"Oi, I needed to see in. I get best friend privileges. Tell the evil mother fucker I said hi too."

"...He liked the name."

"It wasn't a compliment."

I just shrug. "Just relaying the message."

Aiden looked at his phone and I swore there was slight panic on his face but it passed by too quick to confirm. "Ok. Cool. Now that you're done here, you should go back home. Like now."

"... Why the rush?"

"The longer we keep the force field up, the more time we give the government assholes to find us. I'm pretty sure one of the bystanders called for them."

"Well shit. Ok, I'm going to fly to MegCorp now."

I floated up to the hole but before I could leave, Aiden asked in an alarmed tone, "Wait, why are you going back to work? Didn't you take the day off?"

"No, I did. I just realised I left my work in the office that needs to be done by tomorrow. So I'm just going to pick it up before I go home."

My best friend gave me an incredulous look. "Are you sure that's all you're going for?"

"Yes Aiden trust me, I'm way too fucking drained to do anything else right now. I just want a soft surface to crash on and my bed really sounds nice right now. Anyway, as soon as I'm in the clouds, I'm going to remove the force field. Somehow hide yourself or something."

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry about me. Get home safe. We can talk uh tomorrow or something. About the other thing."

With a tired nod, I bid him goodbye and flew up to blend in with the grey clouds. The grey clouds that were drizzling water. "Oh for fucks sake. Now my suit is wet."

"Honey, it's not just wet. It's dirty from all the tumbling around and has a huge hole in the shoulders. I think the suit being wet should be the least of your concerns."

"*sigh* yeah probably. I'm just too out of it right now. I feel as if I'm about to crash back down to the ground any second now."

"Now that won't be any good, will it? I shall keep you up until you reach your destination. So, what have we learnt today"

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