Chapter 38 - His name is what now?

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POV: 3rd Person

Leah's fuming. She felt as if the big bang happened all over again and Earth somehow ended up in some other dimension. The interaction in front of me... is impossible. Improbable. Never should be happening in the first place. Why? Because he's mine and only mine. It should be me in that position.

The slightly hysteric girl was walking back from Leo's empty office in order to look for him and show off her outfit (Nero: which should be borderline illegal for this work environment. I'm pretty sure she's more uncovered than covered. The purpose of clothes has been defeated) to seduce him a bit more when she saw her target with arms around someone else. The caused her to immediately freeze mid walk and aided in her brain frying a bit. Never in her life had she known Leo for touching girls and guys carelessly. He never had the playboy status and had the respectful, mature gentlemen image. But here he was, with his arms wrapped around that... peasant in a clearly affectionate way. He's straight. Definitely straight. He's straight! That didn't stop her from becoming anxious by the minute.

She began watching the exchange between her beloved and the lowlife from when Leo was hugging the newbie really tightly. Like he wanted to kill him and well, she was hoping for that to be the case. She started to feel a bit relieved and hoped everything was just a big misunderstanding, however, the shorter man seemed to say something life changing because you could see Leo's side profile turn lustful and all of sudden, both their heads were getting closer. Leah panicked and her flight-fight-freeze response kicked in, screaming her pet name for her beloved.

Which brought everyone back to the current situation where Leah was glaring and losing it, Leo was frustrated from being cockblocked all the time and getting called that idiotic nickname and Nero was completely done with life, ready to be taken in by the devil. He'd rather much deal with Hell's pit than any of this. Nero still hadn't moved away from Leo's shoulder and Leo had not dropped his arms from the other's hips, causing Leah's every muscles to twitch in frustration. I need to break this up ASAP is the only thought running through her mind.

She cleared her throat purposefully and pretended to completely oblivious of the sight in front of her. "What are you doing Mufasa?" Once the name was repeated, Nero had control over his bubbling temper and it registered to himself that he should be laughing. So he does, after pulling away from the taller man's shoulders. Well, he snickered more than howling but it was loud enough for the entire party to hear. Leah's face contorted into perplexation and Leo's ear tips turned into a burning red colour. He looked at his partner with death written all over his face, accompanied by embarrassment.

Instead of retaliating back though, he ignored the smaller man and answered Leah's question. More or less. He did have a serious, business-like tone which lowkey freaked out Nero. But it also caused a giggle out of him internally because of the unprofessional action he was pulling simultaneously.

"What I'm doing is none of your concern. The real question is why are you here? And for the love of god, would you stop calling me that stupid name? I've told you like EVERY single time we've met up."

The sudden outburst caused the female to startle and make uncomprehendable noises and Nero's snickering turned into full blown guffawing. Leo was ticked off but his defences were down so Nero used the opportunity to finally pull away from the man's grasp and laugh a bit further away from him. In doing so, he was able to clear up his clouded head and begin functioning. Leo did look disappointed but made no move to reclaim the heat he lost.

Meanwhile, Leah managed to fix herself up and responded in a frustrated tone. A frustrated tone that was meant to be seen as cute. It was accompanied by a pout. You know, the ones that tsunderes do with their small pouts. Nero thinks it's not a good look on her though. He thinks it makes her look like a duck. An angry duck. (A/N: The man is ruthless against females he doesn't like)

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