Chapter 62 - Can't a man catch a break sometimes? (ver. 2.0)

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This is Raziel speaking in Nero's head

"This is Nero talking to Raziel in his head"

I should also mention that if you haven't noticed already, I use the terms demon and devil interchangeably which technically isn't correct but oh well.

Important: In summary, my laptop is fucked so I can't write as fast or write as much I want to (I need to borrow my sister's laptop) so the number of uploads are gonna be reduced again.


POV: Nero

"You have your bloody phone, and the first thing you do is call Aiden?" His voice sounded neutral but there was an undertone of annoyance.

Wow, clearly that was the wrong move since I made the man grumpier than before. At some point, my breathing was offending him. Also, I was surprised he didn't question my very questionable words first.

"I already told you that the police is here. They can't do anything. I also told you this."

My boss hissed out, "You could call them to let them know about the situation inside, so they could like I don't know, bloody take some sort of action."

"I already told you, they can't do anything. Informing them will just let them know how useless they actually are, so they'll just feed it to the news stations instead. It's a waste of effort." My tone turned monotonous and felt my cold persona coming out.

"At least their associates will know the status of their safety!"

"Why are you getting pissed at me? I didn't call Aiden for no reason, it's quite important."

"Because it's selfish keeping this kind of information from the people who need to know. You instead go telling your own person that you're alright without considering the others, like a selfish person." His voice raised in volumes out of exasperation, anger seeped out of each word. He shuffled away a bit but his hands tightened on mine till it turned into a death grip. The look had never been directed at me and now that it had, I was regretting every word I ever said. Selfish... The words were cold and sent shivers down my spine. I felt bad for being the cause of his negative emotions. I never meant to bother him like that.

This is why I avoid people. It's too much stress. You're too shattered to function normally. To understand empathy and sympathy. I was caving within myself but I managed myself from delving into the abyss by reminding myself that I had a task I needed to do. Hold back the breakdown for later.

All the warming and humane emotions were shut behind iron doors and instead, it was replaced with heartless ones. "telling them would mean nothing. They can't do anything but I can, so that's what I'll do."

"What the hell do you mean you'll do it?"

"I will get everyone out of here safely."

"Don't be a hypocrite. You just went off at me for suggesting the same idea." Leo was getting pissed by the minute.

"I'm not being a hypocrite. I said you shouldn't do it because you can't without fucking up."

"Oh, and now all of a sudden you can?"

"Yes, yes I can. And it's not all of a sudden. I could do it for a while now."

"What the fuck are you on ab–"

"Zip it." I was honestly done with the guy. He was wasting time and if we continued talking, I was going to break down. I felt myself crumbling bit by bit

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