Chapter 33 - Where is the love?

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- I'm still messing around with POVs. I still don't know which I like best but I'm going back to first person for this but there is probably going to be switching of POVS between characters (like unnatural switching. Eg. mid convo) because I want to explain their feels internally but not make their POV the main for the chapter. So for that, apologise if it gets confusing and messy throughout.


POV: Nerovsky

I was sitting on my boss's very expensive leather couch (located in the living room), huddled on one end of the long piece of furniture, with a blanket cocooned around me and a hot chocolate in my hand. I was alone as Leo got a phone call he needed to attend to, although by the look of distaste that was placed on his face when he saw the ID, I think he'd rather be doing anything else but answering that call.

But I wasn't complaining. I needed the time alone to get myself down from cloud 9. The entire experience from the moment I woke up to the point where we shared a warming moment had been overwhelming and I needed to get all my physiological changes back to homeostasis. It proved to be quite difficult though because my mind kept wandering back to Leo's arms and body heat. Bare body heat. 

More importantly, an endless number of questions have been running around my brain. Why did he do what he did? He didn't have to. 

Is he always this friendly with his guests or is it just me? If it's just me, does that mean he has a thing for me? 

The man who had a mental breakdown in front of him? The broken one? 

Also, since when was he NOT straight? That was the only thing that was stopping me from keeping a shred of hope and now he drops that he's not actually straight. And what does he mean he recently just found out? 

Was there someone he fell in love with that made him realise? If that's the case, why did he hug me? He should be going for that person. 

Unless... it's me?... PPFFTTT nah, that's too much of a stretch. That's your delusions talking Nero. 

You're average and that's all you ever wanted. As if some British god would show interest in you. He can have anyone after all. Including the hottest and latest actress... or actor apparently. *groan* why did he have to be queer?

My internal unrest was disrupted when the cushion next to me dipped due to a broody, pissed looking CEO. YOU HAVE THE ENTIRE LOUNGE AND YOU DECIDE TO SIT NEXT TO ME?! ARE YOU TRYING TO GET MY HEART TO JUMP OUT? Leo was looking out in front of him contemplatively, not paying any mind to the view presented to him through the large window. He let out an uncharacteristic sigh of agitation and ruffled the hell out of his hair. Ok, that's it. He clearly needs someone to talk to. Gathering up all the courage I had, I shuffle just a tiny bit closer and quietly asked, "Do you... do you want to talk about it?"

Leo was shaken out of his thoughts and brought his attention back to me. He looked at me with the same frown of annoyance, making me believe I've overstepped the boundaries and should've jumped off the building. However, it quickly morphed into a tired smile. "It's been a long time since someone's asked me that."

"I bet my entire allowance it's because you keep an I'm-fine façade so no one can notice your troubles."

The tired smile grew into a more sad one. "Am I that easy to read?"

"Pfft, no way in hell. If anyone ever saw you like this, all the girls (and guys) would probably bare their souls and offer their bodies to make you happier. Now how they would use their body... I'm sure you can figure out where I'm going with this. Anyway, I'm just really observative and you just accidentally let your guard go in front of me. Not that I mind. It's nice knowing my presence is comforting enough to let you do that unconsciously."

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