Chapter 61 - Is this the only option?

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- I still don't have a proper upload schedule so thank you for putting up with it

- How the hell did I get 1k views?????? Let me bow down in gratefulness

- The next couple of chapters get really long so enjoy this short chapter instead


POV: Nero

"Hey, can you be on the lookout for anyone incoming?" was the first thing I said after the long moments of silence.

Leo looked at me incredulously and sarcastically bit back. "Yes because that's what I haven't been doing since we got behind this pillar. I've just been staring at your pretty eyes this entire time."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the unnecessary sass (we will ignore the involuntary blushing). "I meant, look a bit more intently than before."


"Can you just do what I say without questioning every little thing?" His question wasn't something to be irritated over but I was on edge due to what I was going to have to do in a couple of minutes. The rush of adrenaline didn't really aid in emotion control.

Leo didn't take the attitude well and sniped back in a harsh whisper. "We may be in a hostage situation but you're still an employee of MegCorp and I'm still your boss, so cut back on the attitude, disrespect, orders and listen to what I say. I asked you a question I expect an answer."

There was an urge to pull out all of my hair and an even larger urge to argue back, mentioning how he said earlier that there were no professional boundaries between us but I held back, mainly because time would be wasted and I knew I was technically in the wrong. The way I went about my words was disrespectful and disrespect was the last thing the man deserved. That being said, I wasn't going to be that compliant and give him a straightforward answer. Our entire relationship functioned around me doing things he didn't expect after all.

"Apologies, I'm just a bit... tense. Please just keep a lookout and you'll find out within the next thirty seconds what I'm about to do."

"That still doesn't answer my–"

Alright, I was sick of this. I was just going to glare at him with my seriously-shut-the-fuck-up glare. It proved to be effective because he immediately shut his mouth and glared back.

One last glance around to check no one was in sight, I reached into the right back pocket of my pants and got out my other phone. You know, the secret-secret phone I used a couple of times during work because Aiden sucks (well I sucked the first time). The item seemed to shock Leo into stillness initially before he looked back and forth between the phone and me.

Ignoring him, I speed dialled the only number on the phone. While it was still ringing, Leo managed to snap out of it and intently examined the room. Not before mouthing out "what" to me, however.

It rang for a while and I assumed he was not going to pick up but just before it was about to go to voicemail, the rings were silenced and a familiar cheery tone sounded through the phone.

"Well, well, well. Would you look at that? Nero is calling me first during work for the first time. Is he finally warming up to me?"

I'm going to punch him. "If I hadn't warmed up to you yet," I harshly whispered out, "you wouldn't even know my real name, let alone get a call from me."

Aiden immediately picked up on the urgency and his tone turned serious instantly. "You're calling from the other phone and you're whispering. You'd never call if you have to whisper unless it's an emergency."

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