Chapter 64 - What happened?

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- Hello, I am back from holiday now

- 8th of June 2022: Changing chapters 64 to 76 to past tense because I'm on break and bored (anyone new. Originally, these 12 chapters were gonna be in the present tense because that's how I wrote the story originally. Then I went on a spree of changing everything to past tense but I didn't with these 12 solely because they weren't released at the time and I couldn't be bothered)


POV: 3rd person

A week and a half later

"So now that we're at a high-end club dedicated to the rich and you're done trying to burn me alive in my own home, will you finally tell me what the meeting between you and your boss was like?

Nero looked blankly at the blue-haired man over the rim of the whiskey glass as he took a small sip. He could barely hear the question over the music blasting from the dance floor behind them and unlucky for them, today happened to be one of the random days where the bar was extremely crowded. So there was a lot of loud drunk screaming, chattering, flirting and making out. "Are you going to explain why you dressed me up and dragged me to a bar with an earpiece connected to your listening device?" Nero very much made it clear with his dull tone how much he'd rather be home binging anime on his day off.

"Only if you answer my previous question with a yes and then elaborate what happened a week and a half ago in Leonardo Covell's office."

The shorter man heaved out an annoyed breath of air. "You do realise I'm still mad at you for giving out my number to him? The only reason I'm even speaking to you right now is because you had another depressive episode after like, a year."

"Nah, you'd have totally forgiven me or else you wouldn't have been there during the episode. Plus, I was mad at you as well because you totally could've done the entire thing without exposing yourself by becoming a ninja."

"That was time-consuming and a major cannot-be-fucked."

"Yeah say that again at the meeting next week when they're going to re-evaluate everyone's power. I can't believe they still haven't discovered that you lied about your power. It worked out in the end for us since the office was running around like headless chickens as someone who supposedly didn't exist in their register entered their city."

"What can I say, I'm just a normal civilian. They wouldn't look twice towards my files."

"Yeah, except they literally are now," Aiden took a swing of his beer before letting out a sound of approval. "So what are you going to do now?"

Nero shrugged carelessly as he turned around on his stool to observe the dance floor. He had another sip of his whiskey before pensively responding, "Lie again? It worked the first time."

"Yeah except the first time they weren't checking for a quote on quote, evil aura. How the fuck they figured out about your devil being involved is beyond me. Almost makes them look capable."

Nero snorted into his cup. "The government definitely would've heard about the devil's contract. It's quite sought out and looked down upon as well as worshipped so I'd be surprised if they didn't figure it out really."

"But all they had were witness accounts. I destroyed all video evidence that day. I can guarantee that. So they're really inferring all this from subjective recounts?"

"*shrug* I guess they were really good at re-enacting the scene. Look, I'll be fine. All I have to do is make sure that there isn't a single trace of Raziel oozing out and when I show them what I can do, I'll do my best to keep the aura to a minimum. I've been training to be a ninja since the age of nine, I'll be great."

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