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Christine stood outside the Paris International Airport looking around nervously as dawn began to break. She closed her eyes softly and let out a pleased hum as she felt the warmth from the sun kiss her skin. It had only been a couple of hours since her encounter with the Dark Knight and she wasn't entirely sure if it had happened to not. Nevertheless, it was her best bet of escaping this life if it truly had happened.

So she waited, but not for too long. A woman with blonde hair and dark shades approached her. Christine noted that she was very beautiful and her boy language emulated strength interlaced with grace. Christine, being the dancer she was, always had a gift of reading people through their body language. She was able to depict a person's characteristics just by how they moved. Reading people through their body language became second nature since she was so used to emulating it when performing.

"You must be Christine?" The woman asked and Christine responded with a light nod. "I'm here to escort you to America. Take these, put them on and follow me." The woman's voice was strong but her tone was soft making Christine feel at ease. The woman handed Christine a ball-cap and dark shades just like her own. Doing as asked, Christine put the ball-cap and shades on before following the woman into the airport.

Christine trailed behind the blonde woman as the made their way through the airport terminal bypassing the lines of people waiting. When they reached the gate the woman showed the airport employee her phone screen before they opened the gate to let the two them through. As they continued through the airport, Christine's stomach started twisting at the thought of riding in an airplane for the first time. Of course she had traveled before, she had been apart of the Rouge Opera House's touring company a couple of times, but they had never traveled overseas or by plane. Christine and the blonde woman made it to a iron double door that led outside of the airport terminal into a hangar where a private plane stood right outside.

"Have you ever flown before?" The blonde woman broke the silence. Looking up at the woman, Christine shook her head before looking back down at her feet as they approached the plane. "Well, if your nervous you should know that this plane is state of the art and installed with advanced technology, you won't even notice that you're flying once we're up there." She reassured Christine as they made it to the staircase leading to the plane. The pilot greeted the two of them as they boarded the plane.

The interior of the plane was luxurious, there were eight cream leather arm chairs with hardwood detailing and their own table beside them. There were also complimentary blankets on each seat with an embroidered "WC" at the corner.

"Sit wherever you'd like. I'll be back momentarily, I need a word with the pilot before we take off. Make yourself comfortable and feel free to take off the hat and sunglasses if you wish." The woman said smiling warmly at Christine before following the pilot into the cockpit. 

As she took off her shades and hat, Christine went to sit all the way in the back of the plane, placing her bag on the floor before taking a seat. She sat with perfect back posture, her hands placed in her lap, and her ankles crossed. Her feet hovered above the ground since they couldn't reach the floor. Turing to look out the window to her left, Christine began to wonder where Happy Harbor was. Was that where the Justice League's Hall of Justice was? Or maybe she was going to Batman's headquarters. She sure hoped that she was being escorted by the right person.

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