Alexander Hamilton || Falling for you (pt.8)

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Life after the war has been a bit of a crazy one. Alex is practising law with his friend Aaron Burr. One day whilst Alex was in his office reading some books I received a letter from Henry Laurens, Johns father. Because it was from a Laurens I thought it must be for Alex, however it was weird how it was from his father. 

I approach the door with the letter in my hands and knock. 

"Alex I have a letter, it's from South Carolina " I smile as I walk in after he replies

"It's from John, I'll read it later" he chuckles 

"Actually it's from his father, Henry" with this news he puts down his book and takes off his glasses looking at me with worry in his eyes

"Would you kind reading it to me?" He asks

"Sure," I smile as I open the letter, "On Tuesday the 27th, my son was killed in a gun fight against British troop retreating from South Carolina. The war was already over. As you know, Kohn dreamed of emancipating and recruiting 3000 men for the first all black military regiment" I pause to look at Alex, I see him banging his head slightly taking in every word I say yet I know he's still trying to process the first sentence, "His dreams of freedom for these men die with him"

I hear a slight sob from Alex after I fold the piece of paper up again

"Alex, are you alright?" I ask alto knowing he's not. 

"I have so much work to do. Do you mind leaving me be for a while?" He asks turning around and picking up his book again

"I'll bring your food up when it's ready" I say putting my hand on his shoulders before leaving the room.


It's been a couple of weeks since the letter, Alex has finally left his room and returned to normal life, he's not the same but he's getting better. Ive notices though that he's writing much more since Johns death, it's his way of coping I guess, maybe the more work he gets complete the more it helps him, especially when the papers are about racism. However his biggest one yet has got to be the federalist papers, him and two other men, John Jay and James Madison. They said that they were going to write 25 essays split equally between them. Alex did try and get hurt to help but Burr likes to keep to himself and wait for things to happen. The night it happened he went to his house and asked him but Burr put up a fight and said what's the point and shut him out. 

Alex and I went for a walk with the kids around the park the following day because he's been working in his office non stop. He always seem distant and like he's not really paying attention to when I speak to him. Heck I even said out loud that what's he's got and what's he's been given is a miracle and that's the fact that he's came out of a war unharmed is amazing.  And how he's come from nothing and now has almost anything he's ever wanted is also great but it's never enough for him. And sometimes I think that if I had just a fraction of his time would it be enough?


We said goodbye to Angelica as she went away to London with her family. We will all miss her dearly but she did say she would write everyday, and we promised to write back.

John James and Alex have all been writing the papers, but once they started they realised it's going to be more than 25. 

John Jay wrote 5 before falling sick 

James Madison write 29 

And then Alex, well Alex write 51

It came to a total of 85. They done this in 6 months.

Every night I visit him in his office begging him to come back to sleep but he keeps saying that he needs to get this done, and every night I think to myself, why do you write like you're running out of time you have your whole life ahead of you, take you're time.

However I never say it out loud because he wouldn't listen. 


George Washington sent a letter to Alex asking him to meet. 

When Alex returned he couldn't stop smiling, it's probably the first time I've seen him smile since Johns death, and that was a while ago. 

"What's got you so happy" I say kissing his cheek as he walks through the door 

"You know how Washington is going to be the president" he smiles 

"Yeah?" I nod 

"Well he's asked me to be Treasury secretary" he pauses waiting for my reply, "I'm going to be in the government!" He says all giddy

I smile hiding my disappointment, don't get me wrong I'm happy for Alex but with this job his going to spend even less time with us, and he taking spends time with us now! "I'm happy for you Alex, now come and eat. We've been waiting for you" 


Alexander has been working in alongside Washington once again for a few months now, just getting into the swing of things again, he's met with James Madison again who now seems to dislike Alex, and he's met Thomas Jefferson, by the way he speaks about him I already know that the cabinet meetings are not something you would want to be a part of. They seem to really hate each other. 


Philips 9th birthday is coming up and he's wanting to perform a poem for his father before dinner. I've been practicing every night with him and tomorrow is the day he's performing. He's seems really excited. 

The struggling is getting Alex to leave his office. 

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