Philip Hamilton || Repaying a favour

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Time- Hamilton

Notes- (y/n) = your name 

                (Y/l/n) = your last name



Muffled counting makes my attention turn from my walk down the river to the direction I think the numbers are coming from.


I quicken my  pace further down the flowing water heading towards the forest slightly.


I slow down again once I see four figures. All young men. One has short black hair dark skin, and the other stood opposite him back towards him had brown curls that came to his shoulders, he had lighter skin than the other boy but he wasn't fully white, I recognise him slightly. He and the other man had a pistol in their hands. The other two men were to far for me to see them but they were talking to each other, by the looks of things about the other two men. I assume it's a duel. 


Now I hate duels with a passion, there's no need to have them. Why can't people just talk it out like normal people. Now I've seen what's happening, I want to stop it. But how?


I hid behind a tree, I have to think quick. I could just go over there and tell them to stop, but then it will seem as though I'm a crazy person following them. 


Come on (y/n) think! I look around the tree and look at the group of men. The darker skinned boy starts to turn, and my heart race quickens. You're meant to shoot at ten. He's going to shoot before then!



9 years ago 

My father and I needed to get more food for the house, since mother died from giving birth to my little brother who sadly didn't make it either it's very hard to carry on with life as if we are still one happy family. Anyways, we head into the farmers shop to get some fruit and vegetables and pay for them. We are about to head back home when I see a book shop. You see I love books, the idea that you can escape what ever is happing in real life with just some words amazes me. I beg my father to let us have a look inside  by pulling on his sleeve and jumping up and down. He chucked and smiles at my ways and then agrees. 

Once inside I walk along the aisles of the shop glazing my fingers along the spines of the new books. That's when he came in. The man that ruined my already sad childhood. He points a gun at the shop owner and demands the money, my father being the hero he is tries to stop the robbery that's happening.


He shot him. The only person I have left in my life was there bleeding on the floor. I run towards my father as his breath slows, however as my feet go to move a feel arms wrap around me. I turn to try and get their arms off of me, tears filling my eyes. A few short seconds go by and once the money was with the robber and killer the arms loosen allowing me to run towards my father, but by that time. He was gone.

I look over to where I just ran from as see the young boy about the same age as me look at me with sympathy. I burst into tears as I collapse on top of the body laying on the floor. The boy comes over.

"I'm so sorry that this has happened, if you're wondering why I held you back, well. It's because I was worried that if he saw you, the man, he would have shot you too." The boy says kneeling down next to me embracing me in a short hug.

"He's all I had left" I sob into his chest.

There's a short silence.

"Once again I'm so sorry. I can't do much but I'll ask my father what we can do. My names Philip by the way, Philip Hamilton" he spoke softly a he removed his arms from me and ran out the door to find he father.

I just stay next to my father. Sobbing. 

A short time later the boy- I mean Philip returns with a man with brown hair in a ponytail and glasses. 

"This is her. Pop she has nobody, please just help her." 

"Hey sweetly. My names Alexander, or Alex for short. I'm sorry for what has happened, I can't do much right now but you can come back to our house for a couple days until somebody can look after you, like a family member or a friend. May I ask for your name?" Alex says picking my up off of the floor then kneeling I front of me so I can see him. 

"(Y/n) (y/l/n). I don't have any family that can take care of me in New York but I'll have to ask my fathers friends. So if I could I would do that during my short stay at yours?" I ask 

He smiles, "of course, stay as long as you need. I know what's it's like not having any family. Trust me, my family will look after you for a little while" he says as he grabs mine and Philips hands and hides us out of the shop as the doctor arrives for my already gone father. 

Flashback over 

I don't think about it anymore. 

I run as fast as I can towards the duelling sight.

"Wait!" I yell


Pain fills lower abdomen, I don't scream, but inhale sharply. I collapse to the floor clutching my stomach. I look at my hand and see a deep red painted on it. People gasp at what I assume is me crouched over in the ground. 

I get pulled off of my knees and end up having my head laid on somebody's lap. I open my eyes and see the curly hair boy with a confused, sad look on his face. It's the moment I look into his eyes I realise who he is.

"P-Philip?" I question gazing into his hazel eyes.

"(Y)-(y/n)?" I nod slightly but then stop once the pain comes back again.

"I have so many questions. Why did you come here?" He asks as he strokes my hair.

"I was just enjoying my walk down the river when I heard you guys, I followed it and I ended up h-here. The other was going to shoot early and now we're here." I say and chuckle at the end sending a massive amount of pain shooting through my body.

"You saved me when we were ten. I guess I'm just repaying the favour" I smile weakly as my body begins to get heavy." He smiles back.

"Since you left our home I was waiting to see you again. I surprised we didn't see each other" he says wiping the tears that have escaped without me noticing.

"I live in Texas now, I was just visiting some old friends of mine. I missed you. I just wish that we could have met again without me getting shot." I laugh ignoring the pain as I know I won't survive.

"I do too." He smiles, "but (y/n), you're going to survive this. Trust me" he replies holding my limp hand.

I smile not having enough strength to talk anymore. We look into each other eyes, something inside of me flutters as we look at each other. The feeling soon dies out as my eyes grow heavy. During my few final breaths I feel something on my lips. I open my eyes just enough to see Philip kissing me. Once the short kiss finishes I smile.

"I'll see you soon. But not too soon I hope" I reach me weak hand up to his face and caresses he cheek before it falls down to his chest. My eyes close once more. I draw one last breath.


Start of the book with a chapter filled with death. What's a better way to start it you know. 

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