Part 25

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A/N: I think this is the longest chapter I've ever posted. But with that being said we're nearing the end of this story! We're not done yet, we still have a couple chapters left but yeah. Enjoy lovelies!

TW: Court rooms, metion of past abuse, metions of stuff that happened at both parks

Virgil's Pov

"What if the evidence isn't enough? What if he's found not guilty? What if he gets out of jail? What if he's there? What if something bad happens? What if we get a bad judge? What if our lawyer isn't good enough? What if he has a better lawyer?"

"Virgil! Calm down your spirling again."

"Sorry, sorry but what if-"

Remus put a finger on my lips, "Nope. No, what-ifs. Janus found a great lawyer. We have plenty of witnesses if the evidence isn't enough. The police saw you being held with a knife against your throat. Plus he has no reason to be here."

"Your right, your right I'm panicking for no reason but I don't know if I can do this..."

"Yes you can and we'll be with you. He will be found guilty. I promise nothing will go wrong."

"Ok let's get this over with then...."

We walked inside to see everyone talking while we waited.


"What's up J?"

"This is your lawyer Cassidy."

"Nice to meet you, Virgil." She shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Cassidy..."

"Do you know how this will work?"

"No, not really."

"Ok, so all you need to do is when you get called up to the stands answer the questions honestly and to your best ability."

"That's it?"

"Yep I'll do most of the talking but if the judge asks you a question look at them, speak clearly and use sir or ma'am."

"Ok, I can do that."

"Great, now is there anything I should know Before we begin?"

"I have anxiety..."

"Ok thank you for telling me. I'll try my best to make you comfortable."

"You don't have to do that."

"It's not a problem I find when my clients are most comfortable there the most confident."

"Ok thank you."

"No problem hun and now the trial starts any minute here so why don't you take a few moments to collect your thoughts."

I nodded before sitting in one of the chairs.

"Hey kiddo, how are you doing?"

"Well I'm not dead or having a panic attack so I'm ok."

"Was that self-deprecating humor?"


"I will physically fight you if you talk bad about yourself."

"How about a hug instead?"

"Of course!"

"Virgil we're starting," Cassidy called.

"Ok let's do this."

"You got this kiddo!"

I followed Cassidy into the room and to the front. The room was small with the judge's chair in the front and rows of seating behind us. I sat next to Cassidy and saw Carson's lawyer on the other side.

Broken Together (Sander sides version) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now