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Sunlight spilled though the small window in my room. The rays waking me from my -terribly light- sleep. I groaned and tried to sit up, failing because of the injuries I sustained yesterday. My head slammed against the floor in exhaustion and I groaned. I watched the door in anticipation, waiting for the handle to turn and my father to slip inside.

My room was plain, a concrete floor with white walls. Dust lined the windowsill, and floated around in the air. There was a small box of bandages that I stole a few years ago, along with a bottle of rubbing alcohol.

I pushed myself up and doused the wound on my leg with the rubbing alcohol, biting my knuckle to keep from yelling out in pain. I wrapped the gash up and laid back down.

It must have been past noon, based on where the sun was shining. I knew my father would wake up soon, ready to give me a whole new set of sprains and bruises.


Less than an hour later the door burst open, revealing my very drunk and angry father.

He eyes to bandage on my leg. "What did I tell you?" He mumbled.

I sat up and unwrapped my leg. "Yes sir. I apologize." I tossed the bandage to the other side of the room, signaling I wouldn't be using it anymore.

⚠️Trigger Warning!⚠️

My father kicked my side, making me roll over in pain. "I'm done with you." He said.

"W-what?" I looked up at him in confusion. He grabbed my hair and yanked me towards the door, pulling me up to my feet in the process. I stumbled up the stairs and into the living room.

"I'm done. Let's go." My father repeated and kicked me into the garage. He tossed me into the backseat of my car, and I sat up with a groan.

"Where are we going?" I whispered.

My father started the car. "Shut up." He yelled. He was angrier than usual, his face was redder and his knuckles were clenched around the steering wheel. The most unnerving part was, his face was contorted into a sick smile, glancing at me through the rear view mirror every few seconds.

What's going to happen to me?

Eventually he stopped the car, and I peeked out of the window in fear. We were at the beach. And I have a feeling we aren't watching the sunset.

My father slammed the drivers side door shut and yanked me onto the sand.

"Your nothing but a burden." My father dragged me along with him by my hair. I twisted against his grip, trying to get free but it was no use. I was so weak compared to him. "It will be nice to get rid of you." He continued. We were getting closer to our destination by the minute, and my fear was growing. "You remind me too much of Onyx. I can't bare it anymore."

"Please let me go!" I screamed in pain as he swung me around so I was in front of him. We reached the destination.

The beach.

Was he going to drown me?

He pulled me into the water. "It's better to just kill you." The rest of what he was saying was cut off but my head being slammed under the water. I was losing air, and fast. I squirmed against my fathers grip, but eventually black dots covered my vision and my body went limp.

My father released me, assuming the deed was done and waded through the water back towards his truck.

Maybe it would be better off to just die.

I felt myself drift off, and eventually passed out.

Stevens POV:
I rose out of bed with a smile. Today was going to be a good day.

The sun was shining. The waves were crashing in the background. The sky was clear.

I changed and walked out onto my balcony, looking at the scenery. It never gets old.

Well it may eventually... but we don't talk about that right now.

I noticed something on the shore, I looked kinda like... a body?

I hopped over the railing and boosted myself into the air. I descended at twenty feet, landing right next to the body. It was a girl, she was really small and skinny, and her hair was tangled and really long. In a hurry, I checked her pulse. It was there, but her breathing was very shallow.

She's alive.

I exhaled in relief and picked her up. I walked back towards the house in a hurry. I kicked the door open and ran towards the couch. Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst were all in the kitchen. Amethyst sitting on the counter, Garnet leaning against it, and Pearl pointing her finger around in anger. Probably getting onto Amethyst for doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing.

"Hey Ste-man! What's... woah who's that?" Amethyst cautiously walked towards the girl laying on the couch, Pearl and Garnet following her.

"I found her on the shore. What do you think happened to her?" I asked.

"Obviously something bad!" Pearl fluttered over to her, checking her pulse like I did and looking at Garnet in worry.

"She should wake up soon. Give her space." Garnet made us take a step back. We all watched her in anticipation and I started pacing.

After a few minutes I spoke up. "Are you sure shes gonna wake up?" I asked.

Garnet put her hand on my shoulder. "Yes, any minute now."

As if on cue, the girl shot up into the sitting position, leaning over onto the floor and coughing up water. She took deep breaths and closed her eyes.

"Uh, hi!" I took a step towards her and her eyes opened so wide I thought they were gonna pop out.

She screamed and tumbled backwards, doing a backwards somersault over the side of the couch and landing on the floor with a thud.

I didn't step forward anymore, not wanting to scare her again. I smiled and repeated myself. "Hi! I'm Steven."


Word Count- 1018

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