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I stood up. "I'll go up to Stevens room." I made eye contact with Steven. He knew I would still be able to hear him, but he didn't protest.

As soon as I shut the door I listened for Connie. She was upset.

"Look, I don't think it's a good idea for Y/N to live here anymore." She said. Her voice sounded bland, uninterested.

"What? Why?" Steven asked.

Connie sighed. "It's obvious she just wants your attention. I'm sure her parents are worried about her, I heard her father is asking about her."


She cut Steven off. "She's just trying to get between us! You guys have nothing in common, and she's acting dumb so you will pay attention to her and give her your pity!"

I scoffed.

Connie continued when Steven didn't say anything. "She's just jealous of what we have! And while we were alone the other day she told me that she doesn't even like you! She just wants your dads money!"

Okay, that's enough.

I opened the door, gliding down the stairs. When I got halfway down I summoned my axe and threw it in Connies direction.

"Hey!" Steven three his shield in front of it, blocking it from hitting Connie and making it clatter you the ground.

"Uh, where did she go?" Connie asked slowly. The axe reappeared in my hands, and Steven stood up.

He ran towards me, it was just a wild guess, but he grazed my arm and incased us in a bubble. "And Pearl wants me to fight you." He muttered.

"Your just jealous your powers aren't as cool as mine." I giggled.

He gasped dramatically. "Excuse you! I'm a Diamond my powers are elite."

Connie knocked on the bubble. "Uh, can someone tell me what is going on?" She asked.

"Y/Ns a hybrid too!" Steven said with a smile. "She's got an axe, and she can turn invisible."

"So you were eavesdropping?" She glared at me.

I shook my head. "I have heightened senses, I could hear you even if you went outside." I paused. "I can also see people's emotions, and you are just radiating jealousy." I snickered at her baffled facial expression.

She turned to Steven. "I'll come back later." She stomped out of the house.

Steven grabbed my shoulders. "You can't just attack Connie!" He whisper-yelled.

"I know, I'm sorry." I looked down.

He hugged me tightly, taking a deep breath. "It's okay, she said some pretty mean stuff. It's not okay to hurt people though." I nodded, hugging him back just as tightly.

(Sorry this chapter is so short... I'm experiencing writers block but I'll try to get another chapter up soon)

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