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"Uh, no?" I started to close the door. Steven stopped it with his foot, with wide eyes. He stared at my gem in disbelief.

"You do! How have a never noticed that? Why didn't you tell me?"

I shrugged. I was holding my pajamas awkwardly. "It just never came up. Can I get dressed?"

Steven moved his foot away from the door. "Yeah." He put his hand on his forehead. "Oh geez, I need to call the gems." I closed the door and changed. Steven gave me a t-shirt. Dang it. I found one of those bandages that wrap around and Velcro to the other end, and wrapped my wrists up. Hopefully he wouldn't ask questions, even though the bandages looked out of place and weird.

Steven was on the phone when I exited the bathroom. He was talking in a hushed tone, so I couldn't hear what he was saying. When he noticed me, he said a quick goodbye and hung up.

He clasped his hands together. "So, your a hybrid like me?" I nodded. "Do you know what your gem is?"

"No, my father never told me." My gem was in the same place as Amethysts, meaning low cut shirts were out of the question. (Sorry I'm choosing what your gem looks like) It was solid black, the creepy kind of black where it just looks like a hole. At least it would if it wasn't 3 dimensional.

"Can you turn invisible?" Steven asked.

"Yeah, I think so." I can't really do it on command, it usually acts up when I feel small or sad.

"Is that why you disappear sometimes?" Steven asked. I nodded. "What else can you do?"

I shrugged. "I'm not sure." Just then the warp pad activated, and a practically frantic Pearl ran into the room.

"Hi Pearl." Steven said sheepishly. He must've called her, she seems like the one that would know about my gem.

Pearl turned to me. "Can I see your gem?" I pulled down the collar of my shirt and exposed my gem. Pearl gasped. "Onyx." She whispered.

"Onyx?" I repeated. I looked down at my gem. I remember my father saying that a few times, but I guess I never put it together.

"They were high ranked, usually met with the diamonds or were given tasks directing from them. I've never met one though, I'm not sure that they could do. I know they could see others emotions." Pearl put her finger on her chin. "I remember before the war a few were banished from Homeworld."

"Why?" Steven and I asked in unison.

"Their invisibility. They were becoming known to sneak around and steal."

"Do you think my mom was one of them?" I asked. I clutched my gem. Was my mom a criminal?

"Possibly." Pearl said quietly. She was still deep in thought. In a hurry, she walked towards the temple door and entered her room.

Steven patted my shoulder. "Don't worry Y/N, my mom is technically a criminal too."

"That doesn't make me feel better." I whispered.

"Sorry. We can watch a movie to get your mind off of it?" Steven moved to the kitchen and pulled out a bag of popcorn. "Go ahead and pick a movie, I'll be there in a second." I walked up the stairs, moving to the stack movies and grabbing the most colorful one.

A few minutes later I heard the microwave beep, and Steven ran up the stairs happily. He sat down next to me on his bed, and put the bowl of popcorn between us. Our shoulders were touching, and small smiles rested on both of our faces.

Stevens POV:
She was a hybrid too. I thought I was the only one. Halfway into the movie Y/N perked up.

"Do you hear that?" She whispered.

Happily Ever After (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now