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Oh my stars.

Steven stayed frozen, confused and startled by my scream. I slammed the cover back over to box, pushing it away from me.

Don't throw up.

Oh my stars. My father is insane. I knew he was crazy, but this is a whole new level.

Steven finally found his voice. "What-what is it?" He whispered. My eyes felt prickly, and I felt tears fall.

⚠️Trigger Warning!!⚠️

Laying in the box, was my fathers ring finger. How did I know it was his? His ring was still attached to it. Blood stained the bottom and sides of the box.

I was carrying around a finger.

My father gave me his finger.

Steven was standing beside me, staring at the box. "What was it?" He asked.

I couldn't speak. "I-" that's all I could say. Steven grabbed the box, throwing it open, before dropping it with a gasp.

"Oh my stars..." He muttered. "Do you know-"

I already knew what he was going to ask. "It's my fathers."

He's eyes widened. "Oh, I'm so sorry! We will find him and help-"

"No! If he finds us." I corrected him. "It will be over." The warp pad activated, and Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl walked into the room, chatting happily.

They stopped when they saw our state. "Oh my, what happened?" Pearl asked. She started forward, but Garnet pulled her back gently.

"It's in the box." Steven whispered. Amethyst ran out of the house in fear, practically screaming. Garnet put her hand over her mouth, gasping quietly. And Pearl threw up, four times. (In a trash can, not all over the floor)

"What in gods name is that?" Pearl screamed. Amethyst ran back inside, still freaking out.

"A finger." I said calmly.

"Wwwwhaaattt?!" Pearl yelled. She threw up again.

"How did it get here?" Amethyst asked, disgust clear on her face.

I thought. Who gave it to me? Peedee, right? Or was it Mr. Smiley? "I think it was Peedee." I said.

"Peedee cut off some randos finger? Is it deep fryed too?" Amethyst asked.

"No, my father gave it to Peedee, and Peedee gave it to me." I corrected her.

Steven looked at all the stuff I had been carrying. "Your father gave stuff to Peedee?"

"No, I got this from Peedee, this from Mr. Dewey. That is from Jamie, this is from Mr. Smiley, and that is from a gem." I pointed to all the stuff. "My father is looking for me." I whispered.

Steven sat down next to me. "Do you want to go home? Because we can take you..."

I grabbed his shoulders. "No! Please don't make me!" I let do quickly.


Before I could react, he hugged me tightly. "Okay, you can stay here."

I convinced the gems not to look at the notes or open the other package, assuming I would open it later when I had some alone time. I was too terrified to open the package though, so I pushed it into a corner of Stevens room along with the notes and ignored it.

Steven sat down on his bed and cleared his throat. "So... do you want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" I decided to play dumb. It would buy me some time to think of a good lie.

"You know, why people were giving you notes and mysterious packages. Why your fathers finger was in a box. Why you can't go home...." Wow I guess I have a lot of explaining to do. He lowered his voice to sound more sympathetic. "Why you were at the beach."

"Uhh, my father is looking for me." I plopped down on the bed next to him, not meeting his eyes. He motioned for me to elaborate. "Because he wants me to come home."

I really don't want to explain this.

What if Steven thinks I'm weak?

"Well, why don't you want to go home?" Steven asked.

Here goes nothing.

"Because he hits me." I whispered. Steven lit up. No, literally. He was pink.

He was angry.

"And I was at the beach because he tried to get rid of me." I continued. I was trying to sound nonchalant, but it wasn't working. Just thinking about my father was making me want to cry.

"He drowned you?!" Steven yelled. I jumped back a little by the sudden sound, but soon settled back into my original spot. Steven was pacing around the room, deep in thought again. "Why?" He asked. I shrugged. Steven nodded. "Okay, you are definitely staying here. I guess we should stay out of the public eye for a while."

"No, the only way to get rid of him is too... you know. Get rid of him." I emphasized the last few words. I didn't want to kill my father, but it's the only way to get him to stop.

Steven caught on. "We have to kill him?"


"No, no, no. He can just get him arrested or something."

"Whatever you think is best." I didn't want to continue this conversation, it was making me sad. "I'm going to take a shower."

I guess in my haste to get out of that anxiety filled room, I forgot clothes. I wasn't just going to walk out naked, that's weird.

I cracked the door open. "Hey Steven?" I yelled. If he didn't hear me, I would have to go to his bedroom and get clothes. I would obviously have a towel wrapped around me, but still.

"Yeah?" Thank the stars.

This is awkward. "I need my pajamas."

There was a long pause, then Steven walked down the stairs holding my pajamas. He walked up to the door and handed them to me. I opened the door a little wider so my hand could fit through, and Steven gasped.

Oh geez.

I'm an idiot.

Steven dropped my clothes and yelled. "You have a gem?!"


Word Count: 988

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