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I couldn't stop thinking about my conversation with Connie. Well, it was more of a halfhearted threat.

Are we only friends because he pity's me? What happens when I'm more stable, is he going to kick me out? What if he gets bored with me? It's his house I can't stay if he doesn't want me there.

He's always so careful around me, like he's afraid I'll break. I'm not glass. Do I act like I'm going to shatter at any moment? I won't. I'm stronger than that.


Stevens POV:
When I woke up Y/N was staring at the ceiling, and perplexed look on her face. It was probably 8 o'clock, but she was already wide awake.

I started thinking about Connie.

Why was she acting the way she was? Everyone noticed how clingy she was acting. It's not that I mind, it was just out of character for her. And she freaked out when she figured out Y/N was staying here. Why?

Me and Y/N are just friends.



Steven was confused. I couldn't just tell him Connie was jealous, he wouldn't believe me. He knows her better than me.

I peeked my head over the mattress and made eye contact with Steven. My face lit up. "Do you like Connie?"

Steven sat up so fast I'm sure he pulled something. "What?" I sat up too, looking down at my hands.

"Do you like Connie? You two seem so close, I just assumed-"

"No." Steven interrupted me. "We are just friends."

I nodded. "Oh. Is she coming over today?"

Please say no.

"If you are okay with it, she texted me last night and asked if she could come hang out here." He studied my face.

I plastered on a smile and nodded. "Sure."

We were scattered around Stevens room, watching a movie. I was on Stevens bed, leaning against the headboard. Steven and Connie were sitting in front of the tv on the floor, shoulder to shoulder. They giggled to each other as they watched the movie.

I feel small.




My phone dinged, signaling I got a text from someone. An unknown number. My face scrunched up in confusion and I opened the text.

(Unknown): Why aren't you dead

I froze, my fingers hovering over the keyboard. It's not him. This is a sick joke. How could he get my number?

(You): Who is this?

(Unknown): Where are you

I didn't answer them. I put my phone down, trying to ignore the dings as the person kept texting me over, and over.

Eventually, Steven noticed the dinging and turned around. "Is that your phone?" He asked.

I nodded. "It's Amethyst, she's texting me a lot." I was lying. Lying is not good. But it's necessary. I don't want Steven to worry, he's with Connie so he should have fun.

Happily Ever After (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now