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Stevens POV:
The girl looked so scared.

Pearl bent down to her level, still keeping her distance. "Hello tiny girl. What's your name?" She said in a quiet voice.

She didn't speak, still shaking in a ball.

"What happened to you?" I asked. I was slowly inching myself closer to her, in a non menacing way. She noticed I was closer to her than before, and scooted away. Then she disappeared.

Amethyst jumped up. "Where did she go?" She whispered loudly.

Garnet took off her glasses. "Uh, give it a minute." The girl reappeared a few feet away from where she originally was.

Amethyst approached her with her hands up. "Let's talk..." She said. The girl didn't move away from her, instead she stared her down. "Okay, what's your name?" She asked.

"Y/N." The girl whispered.

Pearl sauntered over to Y/N too. "Alright, do you remember what happened to you?"

The girl froze. "Nope. No idea."

Amethyst jumped up and down in excitement, making Y/N flinch back lightly. "You can stay with us!" She yelled.

Pearl cut in. "Oh I'm not sure-"

I skipped over to them happily. "Sure she can! We can go shopping for clothes and she can take my bed!" Y/N didn't make eye contact with me, she picked at her nails with a frown.

"Unless you have someone else to stay with? Your mom or dad?" Pearl suggested.

Y/Ns head snapped up. "No!" She looked back down. "I apologize. No, thank you for your hospitality."

They were gems. Steven was a hybrid. Like me.

Did they really want to help me? Or were they just trying to earn my trust?

But I do need someone to stay with. Just for a little bit. And if they show any signs of doing what my father did I'll sneak out.

Steven was a guy. I don't trust men. They are all like my father, waiting for the perfect moment to betray you and hurt you.

Steven smiled at me. "We can go shopping and get you some clothes tomorrow. I guess you'll have to wear some of my old clothes tonight though, is that okay?" I nodded. I was sitting on the couch while Steven stood in front of me. Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst -they told me their names a few minutes ago- had left for a 'mission', leaving me alone with Steven. He was a lot taller than me, which made him all the more intimidating. He had soft looking brown hair, and brown eyes. He was wearing a black T-shirt with a yellow star in the center, and blue jeans. When I first saw him he wore a bubblegum pink jacket, but he took it off earlier.

"Are you hungry?" He asked.

"No thank you." I said quietly.

Steven sat down beside me, making me flinch automatically. "So... do you remember how you got onto the beach?"

I un-involuntarily flashed back to the events of last night, shivering in place.

Steven reached forward in a hurry. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to pry, you don't have to say anything. If it's a sensitive subject we don't have to talk about it!"

I scooted back. "Okay." Stevens house was very open, the couch was soft, the kitchen was clean, and there was natural light filtering into the room. The stairs up to Stevens room were slightly warped from so many people walking up and down them for so many years. I heard someone walking down the stairs, and I screamed. A large pink colored lion padded over to us and sniffed me.

"Sorry! That's Lion!" Steven patted the lions head with a smile. I stuck out my hand tentatively, and he pressed his nose against it. He snorted, then laid down in front of me.  Steven looked around the house with an utterly bored expression. "Do you want to watch a movie?" I nodded. And Steven grabbed my hand, making me jump.

He pulled me up the stairs. "We can watch it on my bed, it's much more comfy." Stevens room looked like the exact opposite of what you would expect a typical teenage boys room to look like. There were no dirty clothes on the floor, his bed was made -there was even a small cat sleeping on one of the pillows- the items on his shelves were organized and had no trace of dust on them. Not to mention he had a really fuzzy looking rug. There were tons of pictures on almost every surface, all with very colorful people. One had a young Steven, Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet standing outside of a smaller looking version of his house. Another was a selfie with a brown skinned girl, she was really pretty. I wonder if they are still close. I'm not even going to talk about the weird painting of him and Garnet.

Steven was standing in front of the tv, holding a large stack of dvds. "Which one do you want to watch?" He pointed at the one on the top. "This ones my favorite."

I slowly reached for the one he pointed at, handing it to him once he put the stack back where they belonged. He jumped up and down a few times and motioned for me to sit down on the bed. His bed was a lot softer than the one I used to sleep on. His comforter was soft too, it was all white, and had the texture that made you feel like you were laying on a cloud.

The sound of the movie starting pulled me out of my thoughts. Steven sat down closer to the headboard, leaning his head against it.  I stayed at the foot of the bed, keeping my distance.

"Are you cold?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. When I didn't answer he pulled back the covers on the other side of the bed and patted the mattress. "Here." He waited a couple of seconds. "I won't bite, it's okay." He giggled. Can guys giggle? I crawled over to him and pulled the sheets up to my shoulders. They were just as soft as the comforter was.


Word Count: 1035

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