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Stevens POV:
Why was she so afraid of everything? She jumped or flinched every time I shifted, or she heard something that didn't come from the tv.

On the bright side, Lion is in love with her. He follows her around, and lays at her feet. I can't tell if she finds it annoying or flattering though.

I didn't just want to ask her why she was so jumpy, that's a very personal question. I mean look at what happened when I asked her why she was at the beach.

The sun was beginning to set, and I was so focused on the movie I didn't notice Y/N get up. I only noticed when I turned to ask her what she wanted for dinner. She was standing at the sliding glass door, watching the sunset. I got up and stood beside her, making her jump. "You can go out there, you know?" I reached over her and slid the door open.

"Really?" Stars formed in her eyes and she took a step out onto the balcony.

I laughed and followed her. "Yeah, duh. You can do whatever." My stomach growled, reminding the why I looked in her direction in the first place. "What do you want for dinner?"

She looked at me like I was crazy. "Dinner?" I laughed and she leaned back. "What's that?"

I gasped loudly and my eyes widened. She was still looking at me like I had three eyes, remind my to warn her before Garnet takes off her glasses again. "Dinner! The third meal of the day! We can get pizza, or macaroni and cheese, or tacos, or if your feeling really rebellious we can make pancakes."

She shook her head. "I don't know what any of those things are." I gasped again. Had she been living under a rock? This is crazy. "Okay, I'll just make macaroni and cheese." I left her on the balcony and walked downstairs into the kitchen. I pulled out two cups (idk what their called) of macaroni and stared making it. The microwave beeped after a few minutes, and I stirred the mix together. When I turned towards the living room Y/N was standing there watching me.

I held in the urge to scream. "Good god, your quiet." I handed her a bowl of macaroni and cheese and a spoon. She just stared at it. "Go ahead, it's really good." She stuffed and spoonful in her mouth hesitantly, then smiled.

Oh my stars that's the cutest smile I've ever seen.

"Thank you." She turned around and sat down on the couch.

"No problem." We and in a comfortable silence. Y/N looked around the house, or more specifically anything that wasn't me. I guess she didn't like me, which is crazy. I'm very lovable.

"Hey Y/N..." I said. I was leaning against the counter, keeping my distance for her sake.

"Yes?" She finally looked at me, but she didn't make eye contact. She was either looking at my shirt or my chin, I couldn't tell.

"Are you okay?" I asked, making sure to sound sincere. I just wanted her to like me. We didn't have to be best friends, but shes living with us so it would be awkward otherwise.

She looked surprised that I asked this. "Uh, yes?" She sounded like she didn't even believe it herself. "Are you?"

"Yeah." I laughed.

She made a face. "No your not. Your upset." Her hands covered her mouth. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to."

I took a few steps towards her, and she leaned back into the couch. "It's okay! You didn't do anything." I sat down a few feet from her and waited for her to return to a normal sitting position. In the meantime I took her half eaten bowl of macaroni and cheese and walked back towards the sink. Why didn't she eat very much? Did she not like it as much as she said she did? I frowned at the bowl a little longer than I meant to, because the next thing I knew the bathroom door closed and Y/N was gone.

"She's so quiet."I muttered. The warp pad activated the gems stepped into the room.

"Hey, where's Y/N?" Amethyst asked. She dove onto the couch and sighed contently.

"The bathroom." I said.

Pearl took a cautious step towards me. "I don't know about her..."

"Why not?" I laughed.

"She seems like a girl with secrets... I don't really trust her." This is typical Pearl.

"So? Everyone's got secrets. Like how last week me and P-dot snuck into your room aaaaaandddd..." Amethyst stopped herself from continuing.

I nodded, trying to distract Pearl. "Maybe she's just not ready to talk about it, give her time."

"Oh alright. Where is Y/N sleeping?" Pearl looked around, first at the couch then in the direction of my bedroom.

"She can take my bed, I'll sleep on the floor." I suggested. The bathroom door opened and Y/N walked out quietly. When she noticed everyone was staring at her, her face lit up and she backed into the bathroom, closing the door again.

"She's shy." Amethyst laughed.

"We'll go, she only trusts you. And that's not saying much." Garnet muttered with a laugh. Rude.

At least Steven was sticking up for me. Although, they shouldn't talk so loudly.

The window in the bathroom was fairly similar to the window in my old room, small and clear. The only difference is, in my old room the only thing I could see was the grass and the bottom of a wooden, rotting fence. In Stevens bathroom I could see the beach, it was a nice view. It was also big enough to sneak out of. Good to know.

When the house quieted down I peeked out into the living room. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl must have left, and Steven was sitting on the couch reading a really, really thick book.

His face lit up when he saw me. He's reeeeally selling the fake happiness thing. "Hey Y/N! Are you ready to go to bed? I'm kinda tired."

"Sure. Could I take a shower?" I whispered. I was kinda dirty. Amethyst had mentioned something about giving me a haircut tomorrow. I hadn't had a shower in a long time.

"Yeah! I'll get you some of my old clothes to wear." He ran up the stairs and I spotted Lion standing a few feet away. He was just staring at me.

"What?" I whispered at him. He huffed and plopped onto the ground, spreading his legs out under him. Steven popped up next to me, making me yell out in surprise.

"Here you go!" He handed me a pile of clothes and I walked into the bathroom before Steven tried to have another conversation with me.

I pulled back the curtain and started at the confusing contraption in front of me. I backed out of the bathroom. "Uh, Steven?"


"Yeah?" He was still on the couch. He sat the book down and looked at me with a caring smile.

This is so embarrassing. "How do you work the shower?"


Word Count: 1201

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