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"Are you sure your ready? If you feel uncomfortable we can-"

I cut Steven off with a laugh. "It's fine! Let's go!" He warped us off, holding me down like always. It had been a few days since the Connie incident, and we haven't heard from her.

The blue light from the warp pad disappeared and I gasped at the sight in front of me.


"It's so beautiful!" I looked around with stars in my eyes.

I heard Steven mutter something that sounded like "not a beautiful as you" but I probably heard him wrong. "I asked them to all meet in the central throne room, so let's go." He pulled me down the hallways and into a ginormous, I mean HUGE room. Across from us were four giant chairs, three of them filled with women matching the color of the chair.

"Steven!" The white one beamed. I'm guessing by their colors they were White Diamond, Blue Diamond, and Yellow Diamond.

"It's so lovey to see you!" Blue Diamond smiled sweetly. Yellow Diamond leaned forward and laid her hand on the ground for us to step onto.

"Who's your little friend?" Yellow Diamond squinted down at me with a slight frown.

Steven grabbed my hand to calm my nerves. My face turned red, but I was too focused on the diamonds to notice. "This is Y/N. She's a hybrid like me!"

They all leaned down to our level. "How peculiar!" Blue Diamond whispered.

"What kind of gem are you?" White Diamond asked.

I pulled down the collar of my shirt a little bit so they could see my gem. "Onyx."

They all gasped quietly. "They were quite the troublemakers." White Diamond sat up straight.

"I always liked them." Blue Diamond commented.

"I remember letting our closest upgrade their weapons. They all added weights that only responded to their touch. Even we couldn't lift them." Yellow Diamond said.

I summoned my axe. "No one can pick mine up, is that what you mean?" I set it in Yellow Diamonds hand, and we were dropped to the ground.

"I suppose so." Yellow Diamond scowled, and I picked the axe back up and apologized. "But how did they end up on Earth?"

I shrugged. "Was it not allowed?" I asked. They all shook their heads.

"Maybe they snuck on one of the first ships. They could turn invisible after all." Blue suggested.

Yellow looked towards the door. "I must get back to fixing my gem experiments. Come back soon Steven, you too Y/N." She put us on the ground and started towards the door.

(Sorry for such a short chapter!! I just wanted to get something out lol I'll made a new, longer chapter soon)

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