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We must have been at Funland for hours, eating cotton candy and playing those stupid rigged games. Right now Steven was playing one of those games where you have to get a bean bag through the clowns mouth.

He finally got enough to win a stuffed animal. He pumped his fist in the air and Connie clapped enthusiastically for him. Me and Amethyst we're watching in the background, chatting about Little Homeschool and how the new gems were adjusting. I didn't really know what she was talking about but she seemed to enjoy talking about it so I let her. Steven pointed at a stuffed animal and walked over to me, red tinting his cheeks.

He handed the stuffed animal to me. "Here you go!"

I took it with a smile. "Thanks Steven." Connie cleated her throat, breaking up the moment.

"You wanna go ride a roller coaster?" Amethyst asked. We all nodded and headed towards the one closest to us. It did not look fun. It looked like a death trap.

I grabbed Steven arm. "I am not riding that thing." I whispered.

He chuckled. "Okay, you two can ride it and I'll stay behind with Y/N."

Connie took a step towards us. "No, you should ride it Steven! I'll stay behind with Y/N." I don't know why they thought I needed a babysitter, I'm their age.

Steven smiled. "Okay! We will be back soon." Him and Amethyst ran off, and as soon as they were out of our sight Connie grabbed my arm roughly, digging her nails into it and she dragged me over to a bench.

"What do you think your doing?" She glared at me.

My face scrunched up. "What do you mean?"

She scoffed. "Don't play dumb with me. I know your trying to steal Steven from me. Stop. I've known him longer, we are meant to be."

She's jealous. We already established this, but I never thought she would admit it.

"I-I'm not trying to steal Steven from you. We're just friends." I insisted, but she didn't listen. I noticed Lion, running over to us and skidding to a stop at my feet. I guess we lost him when we ran towards the ring toss.

"Yes you are! He's only friends with you because he feels bad for you. I don't know how you two met but it's probably some sort of dumb-"

"Hey guys! Oh, you found Lion!" Steven and Amethyst jogged up to us, and Connies face switched from anger to obviously forced joy.

"Hi! I was just about to ask Y/N how you two met?" Connie pulled me up a little too roughly, and I stumbled forward a bit. I caught myself on Lion, who huffed and leaned into my touch.

Steven laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's kinda..."

Amethyst finished his sentence for him. "Private. I don't know if Y/Ns ready to talk about it." Connies smile faltered, but she fixed it before anyone noticed.

Steven grabbed my hand -I tried not to flinch this time- and started skipping towards the exit. "Are you guys ready to go? We've done pretty much everything here."

Connie caught up to us, clutching onto Steven like before. Amethyst and Lion walked on my side, giggling at how clingy Connie was acting. (Just Amethyst, Lion can't giggle)

"Sure, my mom is going to want me to be home soon." Connie paused. "I think I left my purse at your house, can we run by there to grab it?" She leaned past Steven and looked at me. "If we pass your house on the way you can go ahead and go home."

"Oh, well actually-"

Steven cut me off. "Let's take Lion! It'll be quicker." We all piled onto Lion, Connie forcing her way in front of Steven, behind me, and Amethyst was in the very back again. She wasn't very happy about that. Lion roared and hopped through his portal, hopping out in Stevens living room.

Connie grabbed her purse and I yawned. She looked at me with mock sympathy. "Aww, is it your bedtime?"

I rubbed my eyes. "Not usually, but I walked a lot today." I started up the stairs. "I'm gonna go to bed Steven."

"Okay, I'll be up there in a few." Steven waved goodnight to me. I couldn't help peek around the corner and watch Connie. Amethyst spotted me and raised an eyebrow. I held up five fingers, and counted down slowly. After I reached zero I pointed at Connie and she blew up.

"She lives here?" She yelled.

Steven shushed her. "Yes, and she will as long as she wants to." He put his hands on his hips.

"But- but shes..." Connie trailed off when she saw how angry she was making Steven. He was pink. He was actually pink. His skin color, his hair, even his eyes. Pink. That's definitely not normal. Connie took a deep breath and started towards the front door. "Bye Steven."

I don't think Steven knows I saw his and Connies interaction. I was laying down, as was Steven and the lights were off. I peeked over the side of the mattress, and made eye contact with Steven.

"Hey." He chuckled.

"Am I making you and Connie fight?" I whispered.

He sat up. "What? No, she's just not used to me having other close friends. We've been friends forever so she's protective."

There was one more thing bugging me. "Can I turn pink too?"

His eyes widened. Now he knew I saw the interaction. "Uh... no that's just me."


Word Count: 941

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