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I woke up feeling fairly content with myself. I hadn't had a nightmare, which was the first time that happened in a really long time. I still felt bad for making Steven sleep on the floor, but hey, it worked out for me I guess.

When I finally opened my eyes I realized Steven wasn't in the room anymore. The alarm clock shaped like a cats face said the time was 9:03 am. I got up quickly, assuming I was supposed to stay in this room like I was at my fathers. I sat on the edge of Stevens bed, twiddling my thumbs and waiting patiently for something to happen.

After about 10 minutes the door opened quietly and Steven peeked his head inside, looking at the place on the bed where I was sleeping. He opened the door all the way when he saw me. "Oh! You don't have to stay in here, you know. Come on Pearl made pancakes!" He grabbed my hand without warning, making me finch. He noticed it, but still pulled my down the stairs and into the kitchen. There was a large stack of fluffy circles on the counter, and Steven pulled out two plates for each of us. He put a 'pancake' on each plate and handed one of them to me, along with a fork.

"Try it! You said you'd never had one before, right?" Steven took a bite out of the pancake, and I copied him.

Oh my stars. This is amazing.

I nodded, signaling that I liked it. I ate half of a pancake, then push the plate away.

"You didn't eat much, do you feel okay?" Steven asked, he looked concerned.

"Yes, it was good." I faked a smile and looked down at my hands.

"Could you eat a little bit more?" Steven scooted the plate back towards me.

(PAUSE!!!! Not So Fun Fact: if the stomach doesn't get enough food to fill it up, it shrinks down to a size that will fill you up based on the amount you eat. So, please don't ask people to 'eat a little more' because they physically can't :). Sure the stomach can be returned back to the normal size but it takes time. Anyways... sorry if my facts are a little off I can't remember the specifics lol)

I cut off a fourth of the pancake and ate it slowly. Then I pushed the plate away again. Steven smiled. "Thank you. Pearl said she could give you a haircut-"

Pearl popped out of literally nowhere. "Yes! If you follow me to the bathroom I can do that right now." I stood up slowly, walking after Pearl and shutting the bathroom door behind me. There was a chair from the kitchen sitting in front of the mirror, and Pearl had scissors.

"How short do you want it?" She asked. I pointed to the part of my hair I wanted cut (just your normal hair length) and Pearl nodded excitedly. She counted to three quietly, then there was a loud snip. Bits of my hair fell to the floor, and Pearl seemed to be enjoying herself. After a few minutes she backed up and threw her hands in the air. "Perfect! Do you like it?" I looked at myself in the mirror. It looked beautiful. I didn't even recognize myself. Apart from the obvious scars and bruises on my face, I looked like a completely different person.

I turned around the look at Pearl with a smile. "I love it. Thank you." She squealed and opened the bathroom door.

Steven peeked into my view with the widest smile I had seen on him so far. "You look amazing!" He hugged me tightly, and i forced back the fear in my throat. I felt my face heat up. I'm blushing?

Oh my stars I'm blushing! Stop! This is so embarrassing!

Amethyst walking out of the large magic door behind the warp pad. "Hey dudes, you two ready to go shopping?" We both nodded, and Amethyst handed me some of her old clothes to change into.

Stevens POV:
While Y/N was changing I got a text from Connie.

C: Hey Steven! I'm in town for a few days, school is out for spring break and I wanted to hang out! Are you free?

S: Not today, sorry! But you can come over tomorrow or Monday?

C: Oh, sure! What are you doing today?

S: I'm going shopping with Amethyst and this new girl I met. You two would probably get along, I'll introduce you when we hang out!

C: Ok, see ya Steven

Amethysts clothes were a little baggy on Y/N, but they still worked. I started towards the Dondai, but Lion stepped in front of me, holding his head up triumphantly.

I scoffed. "If you want us to ride you, just ask." Y/N was in the front, patting Lions head sweetly. I was in the middle, holding onto Y/N so I, and her wouldn't fall off. And Amethyst was in the back, holding onto the back of my shirt. "Let's go to the mall!" I yelled and Lion took off.

I parked Lion outside and Amethyst took the lead. I didn't really know a lot about shopping, and I guess Y/N didn't either.

Let's just say they bought a lot. Every time I would think we were leaving, Amethyst would point out a shoe store, or another stupid clothing store and they would run off. After I accepted I may never leave this place a sat down in one of the chairs -which were really uncomfortable- and watched TubeTube videos on my phone.

It must have been an hour before Amethyst and Y/N walked up to me with tons of bags. "We're done." Amethyst announced.

I stood up. "You said that two hours ago." I started towards the exit, happy to leave this stupid mall. Amethyst and Y/N walked a few feet behind me, talking quietly.

"So, do you like him?" I heard Amethyst ask.

"No, I don't trust guys." Y/N muttered back. Were they talking about me?

"Stevens not like that." Amethyst said. I have a feeling they are.

Y/N scoffed. "Whatever you say."


Word Count: 1047

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