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Steven pointed out that Connie was the brown skinned girl in the photos. She seemed like a nice girl. It would be nice to have another friend, so I was excited to meet her.

A loud thump woke me up. I looked around the room and saw a shirtless Steven on the floor, Lion across him with Stevens shirt in his mouth.

Steven groaned. "Lionnnn, I need that." He whispered. Lion laid down and put the shirt between his paws, making it impossible for Steven to grab it. I snickered, and Steven whipped his head around with a playful glare. "Help me! He likes you." I rolled out of bed and tiptoed over to Lion. He looked up at me and blinked.

"Give Steven his shirt. It's not like he has tons of other ones he could wear." I gestured at Stevens closet, Steven looked away and crossed his arms. Lion moves his paws, and I grabbed the shirt. I handed it to Steven was a pitying smile. "Put it on. I don't want to see..." I moved my hands around in front of Stevens chest. "That."

He looked offended. "Hey! I have abs, you know." I walked past him with a laugh.

"I saw, sadly." I closed the door behind me. Sure, he was cute but... I can't like him. I live with him! Can you imagine how awkward it would be if I told him I had a crush on him and he rejected me? I didn't really know what to make for breakfast, all my dad ever gave me was bread and the occasional half eaten granola bar.

Stevens voice from behind me made me jump. "We can go get donuts."

"What's that?" I asked. He gasped so loudly I thought he would choke on the air.

"Get dressed!" When I didn't move he clapped. "Hurry! You need to try a donut!" I ran past him into his room.

"My legs don't move that fast!" I yelled. Steven was pulling, well dragging me towards The Big Donut.

He slowed down a little. "Sorry, I'm just excited!" The door chimed as we walked in and a middle aged man smiled as we walked to the counter.

"Ah, Car Wash Kid, stranger, what can I get for you?" The man smiled.

Steven made a big gesture with his hands, making me jump. "Mr. Dewey, meet Y/N. Y/N, meet Mr. Dewey."

Mr. Dewey smiled even wider. "Nice to meet you Martha."

I made a face. "Martha?"

Steven shook his head. "Just go with it. Can we get two pink ones?"


That's not even close.

Where did he get that from?

Mr. Dewey handed us the bag and Steven gave him the money. We walked back to Stevens house, and Steven handed me a donut.

"Try it Martha, it's really good." Steven snickered. I ignored him and took a bite.

Oh my stars.

It's amazing.

"Wow." That was all I could say. Steven ate his too, and threw away the trash once we got inside the house.

Stevens POV:
I got a text from Connie soon after we ate.

C: Hey Steven! Is it okay if I come over now? I can't wait to see you!

S: Sure!

C: Okay I'll be there soon.

Lion stood next to Y/N, pressing his nose against her as a show of affection. She rubbed his mane with a smile.

"Connie will be here soon!" I said.

Y/N smiled. "Okay."

"We can go to Funland if you want?" I offered. I remember her mentioning she had never been there, so it would be fun to show her around. "Oh yeah, Amethyst got you a phone." I ran upstairs and handed her the phone with a smile.

"Thanks." She scrolled through the contact list, which was just me and the gems. She clicked on Amethysts number. She picked up after the first ring. "Do you want to come to Funland with us?" I guess Amethyst said yes, because Y/N smiled and hung up. "Amethyst will come too."

A girl knocked on the door, and Steven skipped over to answer me. It was Connie.

"Steven!" Connie squealed and hugged him tightly. "It's been so long!" She yelled. Steven smiled and twirled her around. Lion stayed by my side, leaning his hand comfortably against me and huffing. After they broke the hug Steven gestured towards me. Connies smile faltered a little.

"This is Y/N." Steven said. I nodded a hello and she waved with a sickly sweet smile.

She's jealous.

But Steven is happy, so bear with it for his sake.

"Hey Y/N! It's so nice to finally meet you!" She ran towards me, probably for a hug, but I tended up. Steven grabbed her shoulder gently and pulled her back.

"She's not a hugger." He whispered. I mouthed a thank you and he smiled.

"Oh, that must suck Steven. You hug people all the time!" She laughed.

"Yeah, but's it's alright. We are just waiting on Amethyst and we can go to Funland!" Connies face lit up again.

She noticed Lion. "Hey buddy, it's been a while!" He didn't move, and she looked between the two of us.

I shrugged. "Don't look at me. He's just like this." Connie laughed, forcing it to sound lighthearted. The warp pad activated and Amethyst appeared. As soon as Steven back was turned Connie shot me a glare, and I shivered.

"Ready to go?" Amethyst asked us.

"Yes!" Connie looped her arm in Stevens and they lead me and Amethyst out of the house. Lion followed me.

I stopped and groaned. "Lion, please stay here." He blinked and sat down. I smiled and kept walking, Steven forced Connie to stop and wait, walking beside me too.

Amethyst giggled. I turned to her. "He's still following me, isn't he?" She nodded. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." The walk took about 15 minutes, mostly because Connie and Amethyst kept stopping to talk to people. Connie held onto Steven like he was her lifeline, and about 10 minutes into the walk I could tell Steven was starting to get uncomfortable.

We were close to Funland when Steven looked in my direction, then his brow furrowed. "Where did Y/N go?"

Oh shoot.

I jumped up and down a couple of times, then Stevens face turned from worry to confusion. I rubbing the back of my neck. "Sorry, that happens from time to time."

He worked his way out of Connies grip, turned to face me fully. "What happens?"

I shrugged. "Stuff. We can talk about it later."

Amethyst nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, lets go!" She grabbed my arm and ran towards the Funland entrance. Steven ran after us, leaving -a probably pretty annoyed- Connie. Amethyst let go of me when we reached the ring toss. Steven appeared beside me.

"Geez Amethyst, wait for us." He was out of breath. "Ring toss?" He questioned.

"How do you play?" I asked.

Steven and Amethysts faces lit up when I asked. "Okay, so first..." (Blah Blah Blah explains how to play)

"Hey guys!" Connie called from behind us. I do feel bad for leaving her... but not that bad.


Word Count: 1208

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