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It was with an amused smile and curious eyes that Ji Ae walked between the shelves of the nearer pharmacy her feet lead her to.

Her soft fingers traveled from one blue-colored bottle that smelled like a hospital to another, finding the cold aspect of the material satisfying.

She often found herself drawn to danger and its outcomes. The sensation of adrenaline rushing through her blood seemed terrifying yet exciting, tempting.

Her mini excursion didn't last any longer because four steps and a stumble later, she collided with something, a chest, a toned one to be precise.

She steered her gaze to the north until her eyes fell on the stranger's face, and a hiccup immediately escaped her parted lips.

"Honey boy!" She gasped.

"Hello, party girl." He whispered in response, not averting his gaze from the product his eyes trailed on.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, feeling comfort settling in at the sudden apparition of the boy.

"What do people usually do in pharmacies?" He scoffed, accompanied by a faint grimace of pain that didn't go unnoticed by the half-goddess.

"Are you hurt?" She questioned, extending her arm and gently adjusting the boy's hood to get a better view of his face where- a messy crimson cut flashed proudly.

"Yes, you are." She exclaimed as her face wore a concerned expression.

"So what if I am, did you expect me to have an idol's face?" He spoke, eyes narrowed as he studied her face with a trace of amusement.

"Uh, whatever, what's your name?" She happily squealed, which earned her a frown from Donghyuck.

"I'm not telling you my name."

"Why not?"

"It's better for you not to know it."

"It's not like you're a criminal or something." She mocked.

His lack of response indicated it was better for them both to postpone this conversation until they got to know each other at least a little more.

"Okay, forget about the names, how about nicknames? you know, for our future encounters and all."

"What do you suggest?" He raised one eyebrow, suddenly fancying the turn their conversation was taking.

She thought for a bit.

"We'll call you war." She exclaimed, joining her palms together.

"Why war?"

"Because you always seem to be fighting people." The demigoddess laughed while making messy boxing motions.

"Sounds good to me."

"What about me?" Ji Ae pouted, trying to solicit a reaction from him, eyelashes fluttering seductively, and lips puckered as she anticipated his response.

"Love, because you look lovely." He said with a stern face, but a hue of pink appearing on both of his cheeks betrayed his rigid demeanor.

"That's cute, thank you." She beamed, ruffling his hair when noticing his sudden shyness outburst, as if she was scrubbing the embarrassment off by her act.

He only smiled in response.

"So, what are you going to do today, War?" Ji Ae asked, cheerfully following behind the Demi-god as he crossed the road.

"I think you should go back."


"You forgot your items in the Pharmacy." His lips curved into a sly smirk as he watched the divinity's features degenerating into a panicked mess.

"Oh, my god."

"Goodbye Love."

        🌙      🌙      🌙

This chapter was better in my head istg

Do you love the nicknames thingy?

What do you think will happen?

What did you like the most, and the least about this chapter doe I'm curious

also ya know pls vote hehehe

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