General Fong

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we waited on the deck of a boat, saying our goodbyes to the water tribe.

'katara, i want you to have this. this amulet contains water from the spirit oasis. the water has unique properties. don't lose it.

'thank you, master pakku.' said katara

aang stepped forward and pakku gave him an intricately carved box.

'aang, these scrolls will help you master waterbending, but remember they're no substitute for a real master.'

'y/n, well done... i think' he said, looking at me, embarrassed.

lovely to know he rememebered me at least.

'sokka. take care, son.' said master pakku, patting him on the arm.

'fly straight to the earth kingdom base to the east of here. general fong will provide you with an escort to omashu. there you'll be safe to begin your earthbending training with king bumi.' pakku said.

and we left.

'say hi to gran-gran for me!' called katara as we flew through the air.


we said very little on the journey.

i guess we were all still processing what had happened.

'there it is!' shouted sokka, pointing to a walled tower.

we landed inside the city, only to be graciously greeted by general fong.

'welcome, avatar aang!' he said, bowing, 'i am general fong. and welcome to all of you, great heroes! appa, momo, brave sokka, the elegant y/n, the mighty katara,'

'"mighty katara"? i like that.' muttered katara.

i was just amazed that he'd heard of me - especially since no one at the water tribe had even acknowledged me.

i wasn't salty though i swear.

fireworks exploded behind us and and a group of earth benders stepped forward and launched green discs into the air with their fists.

'not bad, not bad.' smiled sokka, amazed.

they took us inside the base, and into a hall.

we sat on a cushion on the walkway and general fong began to talk.

'avatar aang, we were all amazed at the stories of how you single-handedly wiped out an entire fire navy fleet at the north pole. i can't imagine what it feels like to wield such devastating power. it's an awesome responsibility.'

'i try not to think about it too much.' said aang, humbly.

'avatar... you're ready to face the fire lord now.'

'what?! no i'm not!' cried aang, alarmed.

'aang still needs to master all four elements.'

'why?' said fong, rising from his desk, 'with the kind of power he possesses - power enough to destroy hundreds of battleships in a matter of minutes - he could defeat the fire lord now!'

sokka raised his hand, 'but, sir, the thing is aang can only do those things when he's in the avatar state.'

'see, it's this special state where-' began aang, before he was rudely interrupted by the general.

'i'm well aware. your eyes and tattoos glow and you're able to summon unbelievable power. without you we'd be slaughtered before we even reach their shores. but with you leading the way as the ultimate weapon, we could cut a swath right through to the heart of the fire nation.'

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