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'so, what's the plan?' yawned aang as we flew over a forest.

'don't know... too tired to think.' toph muttered.

'im sure we'll come up with something after a short nap.' murmered katara.

sokka cried, smiling, 'yes! sleep!'

we fell asleep straight away - but couldn't for very long since appa began descending quickly.

'what's going on!' shouted toph, hanging to the saddle for dear life.

'appa fell asleep!' i yelled as i opened my eyes.

'wake up, buddy!' cried aang

we plummeted down towards the trees and it took all my strength to stop sokka from falling away.

appa crashed through the trees and plummeted into the ground.

aang slid off of appa and landed on the earth, muttering, 'appa's exhausted.'

'okay, we've put a lot of distance between us and them. the plan now is to follow appa's lead and get some sleep.' said sokka

'of course, we could have gotten some sleep earlier if toph didn't have such issues.' said katara

toph sprung awake, 'what!?'

'alright, alright! everyone's exhausted. let's just get some rest.' said aang

'no! i want to hear what katara has to say. you think i have issues?'

'i'm just saying, maybe if you helped out earlier we could've set up our camp faster and gotten some sleep and then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation!'

'you're blaming me for this!?' cried toph

'no, no! she's not blaming you!' aang said, standing between them.

'no, im blaming her!'

'hey!' shouted toph, swatting aang away, 'i never asked you for diddly doo da. i carry my own weight! besides, if there's anyone to blame, it's sheddy over here!'

'what? you're blaming appa?!' said aang, getting angrier

'yeah! you wanna know how they keep finding us?' asked toph, pulling some fur from appa, 'he's leaving a trail everywhere we go!'

'how dare you blame appa! he saved your life three times today! if there's anyone to blame, it's you! you're always talking about how you carry your own weight, but you're not! he is! appa's carrying your weight! he never had a problem flying when it was just the four of us!' yelled aang.

toph stopped and began walking away.

'i'm outta here.'

sokka ran in front of her


but toph just swatted him to the side, moving the earth he was standing on away.

she walked out of the clearing quickly, giving us no time to follow.

'what did i just do!?' cried aang, sitting by appa, 'i can't believe i yelled at my earthbending teacher. now she's gone.'

'i know. we're all just trying to get used to each other, and i was so mean to her.' said katara.

'yeah, you two were pretty much jerks.' agreed sokka.

'thanks, sokka.' said katara sarcastically

'no problem.'

'im going to get toph' i muttered, picking up my staff

aang, who obviously hadn't heard me, stood up, 'y/n where are you going?'

The Last Hope ~ Book Two ~ sokka x reader x zukoWhere stories live. Discover now