The Swamp

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we flew over a swamp that seemed to stretch for miles and aang didn't look particularly focused.

i looked down, and we were descending.

'hey, you takin' us down for a reason?' asked sokka.

aang didn't move.

'aang!' i shouted, finally getting his attention, 'why are we going down?'

'what? i didn't even notice.' he said, dazed.

'are you noticing now?' asked sokka.

katara walked towards us, 'is something wrong?'

'i know this is gonna sound weird, but... i think the swamp is... calling to me.' said aang, focusing.

'it is telling ya where we can get something to eat?' asked sokka.

'no, i... i think it wants us to land there.' aang replied.

we looked over the marshy landscapeand sokka spoke, 'no offense to the swamp, but i don't see any land there to land on.'

'i don't know... bumi said to learn earthbending i would have to wait and listen, and now i'm actually hearing the earth. do you want me to ignore it?'


'i don't know... there's something ominous about that place.' said katara, uneasily.

'maybe we shouldn't go.' i said.

the swamp made me feel scared too.

id been before and itd never made me feel any better.

'okay, since everyone feels so strongly about this... bye swamp.' said aang, turning appa around.

but once we'd turned around, a tornado appeared out of nowhere and began to pursue us.

'uh aang we gotta move!' i shouted.

aang desperately tried to steer appa away from the tornado.

but it was too strong and we were sucked in.

sokka began to get pulled off the saddle and i reached for him, holding him down as aang created an air bubble around us.

but the tornado was too powerful and it threw us down into the swamp - making me hit my head.

'where's appa and momo?' asked aang, as he jumped into the canopy.

'shit' i muttered, feeling my head as it ached.

'sokka! you've got an elbow leech!' yelled katara, pointing

'where! where!' shouted sokka, jumping about.

'where do you think?' i said, standing up

'why do things keep attaching to me!'

aang swung back down to us, solemnly.

'you couldn't find them?' asked katara

he shook his head, 'no... and the tornado... it just disappeared.'

we walked through the forest, sokka hacking at any vines in his way with a  machete, 'we better speed things up!'

'maybe... we should be a little nicer to the swamp.' said aang, a little concerned.

sokka continued chopping the vines, 'aang, these are just plants! do you want me to say "please" and "thank you" as i swing my machete back and forth?'

'maybe you should listen to aang. something about this place feels... alive.' said katara.

'i'm sure there are lots of things that are alive here, and if we don't wanna wind up getting eaten by them, we need to find appa as fast as we can.' said sokka.

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