An Old 'Friend'

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we decided to go on our own little holidays - to finally get a break.

aang chose first and we went to a small hill/mountain range and he sat on the ground with a small flute.

'what's out here?' asked sokka, rudely.

toph knelt and held the ground, looking through it, 'a lot actually. there's hundreds of little-'

'shhh! i know you can see underground, but don't ruin the surprise. just watch.'

he played the flute and a prairie dog popped out of one of the holes and sang the note.

'hahaha, yeah!' chuckled aang, playing more notes that the prairie dogs copied, 'i'm putting an orchestra together.'

'orchestra, huh? well la dee da.' said sokka, and the prairie dogs replied.

katara laughed as aang played more notes, until sokka put his hand over the flute.

'this is great and all, but don't we have more important things to worry about? we should be making plans.'

'we did make plans. we're all picking mini-vacations.' said toph

'there's no time for vacations.'

aang looked up at sokka, 'i'm learning the elements as fast as i can. i practice hard everyday with toph and katara. i've been training my arrows off.'

'yeah. what's wrong with having a little fun in our downtime?' asked katara, walking forward.

'even if you do master all of the elements, then what? it's not like we have a map of the fire nation. should we just head west until we reach the fire lord's house?' said sokka, pretending to knock on a door, 'knock, knock! hello, fire lord? anybody home? i don't think so. we need some intelligence if we're gonna win this war.'

'alright, we'll finish our vacations, and then we'll look for sokka's intelligence.' smirked katara.

aang took the map out of his pocket and showed it to us, 'how about you y/n, where do you wanna go?'

'ive been pretty much everywhere' i said, 'ill pass on this one'

'suits me, your turn katara.' said aang, 'where would you like to go on your mini-vacation?'

she leaned forward and picked out the misty palms oasis.

'oh yeah, i've been there. it's a pristine natural ice spring, and i usually don't use the word pristine. it's one of nature's wonders.' smiled aang.

but when we got there it was very different to how i remembered.

'must have changed ownership since i was here.' said aang, sheepishly.

we walked through the gates, barely missing a falling sign.

we went towards the melting ice spring - and it looked kinda gross so we went straight into a restaurant.

'one mango, please.' said a man at the bar.

the bartender cut up some of the ice into a bowl and made a mango slush thing for the man.

'i don't see anything wrong with having one of those fruity beverages while we plan our strategy.' grinned sokka, rushing forward and knocking aang into the man.

the drink he was holding fell down and hit aang.

'no worries, i clean up easy.' said aang, air bending the water off of himself.

aang please at leats TRY not to give yourself away

the man looked at him in amazement, 'you're a living relic!'

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