Looking For Appa

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i woke up late and the next morning.

'hi sokka, nice... caterpillar?' i said, sitting next to toph as he drew.

'it's appa!' he said, defensively.

'okay, okay'

then, katara and aang burst in, holding pieces of paper in a bag.

'we found a printer to make our posters.' said katara

'hey, i thought designing "the lost Appa poster" was my job. i've been working all day on my appa.' said sokka, showing off his drawings.

aang was perplexed, 'sokka, the arrow is on appa's head.'

'this is his head.'

they took turns making fun of his drawing, before katara spoke up.

'let's just stick with the professional version.'

'come on, let's get busy!' said aang, holding up the posters.

'y/n, you coming?' he asked

'sorry aang, but have fun!'

he nodded and he and momo left the house to drop the posters all over the city from the air.


katara and sokka played a card gard while me and toph played catch.

'i just finished dropping all the leaflets. has anyone come in with news about appa?' asked aang, the second he came back in.

'it's only been a day, just be patient.' said katara, still studying her cards.

aang sat down at the table for a second before someone knocked on the door.

'wow, you're right! patience really pays off.' he said, opening the door, 'joo dee?!'

'hello, aang and katara and sokka and y/n and toph.' she said.

and it was the joo dee from before.

sokka looked at me apprehensivly, thinking i lied yesterday.

'what happened to you? did the dai li throw you in jail?'

'what, jail? of course not. the dai li are the protectors of our cultural heritage.' smiled joo dee dismissively.

'but you disappeared at the earth king's party.' said toph, walking towards her with me.

'oh, i simply took a short vacation to lake laogai, out in the country. it was quite relaxing.'

lake laogai?

where did i recognise that from?

'but then they replaced you with some other woman who also said her name was joo dee.' said sokka, clearly not believing her story.

'i'm joo dee.' she said

'why are you here?' i asked, standing in front of her.

'dropping flyers and putting up posters isn't permitted within the city. not without proper clearance.'

'we can't wait around to get permission for everything.' said sokka, annoyed

joo dee grinned cheerily, 'you are absolutely forbidden by the rules of the city to continue putting up posters.'

aang got angry really quickly and began shouting, 'WE DON'T CARE ABOUT THE RULES, AND WE'RE NOT ASKING PERMISSON!! we're finding appa on our own and you should just stay out of our way!'

he slammed the door on her and we stood in silence for a second.

'that might come back to bite us in the blubber.' said sokka

The Last Hope ~ Book Two ~ sokka x reader x zukoWhere stories live. Discover now