The Trial

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the next morning we gathered in the amphitheatre for the - unfair - trial.

the mayor stood in front of us, addressing the crowd with his side of the story,

'everyone loved chin the great because he was so great. then the avatar showed up and killed him! and that's how it happened.'

he sat back down, apparently satisfied with his answer.

'the accused will now present its argument.' said the bailiff.

'you can do it, aang. just remember the evidence.' whispered sokka as aang walked to the front.

'ladies and gentlemen, i'm about to tell you what really happened. and i will prove it with facts. fact number one: uh...'

'the footprints!' prompted sokka, quietly

'oh, yeah... you see, i have very large feet.' said aang, looking down.

sadly, he did not.

the crowd was unimpressed.

'furthermore, your... temple matches your statue. but... i was in a painting at sunset. so there you have it! i'm not guilty!' he said, unpersuasively.

sokka gave aang a thumbs up and a forced smile as he leaned over to me and katara.

'he's dead.'

there was a brief pause where katara took aang to the temple for a chat.

'sokka i need to tell you something' i said.

he looked up and smiled nervously, 'yeah?'

'i was there that day. when chin died.'

he looked at me, hopefully. but i shook my head.

'kyoshi-' i began, but katara was speaking to the crowd.

'mayor tong, i'd like for the court to hear one last testimony.'

the mayor jumped up in anger, 'i've already told you! it's just me and the accused. you can't call any witnesses.'

'this isn't just any witness. i'm going to call... avatar kyoshi herself!'


'what are you doing?' i whispered as they brought aang out in kyoshi clothes.

'well, she is aang's past life. maybe wearing her stuff will trigger something.' she replied

'this is a mockery of chin law!' shouted the mayor.

'if you could just wait one more second, i'm sure kyoshi will be here.' katara pleaded.

i started freaking out.

kyoshi was the last person they should have called as a witness.

sokka noticed me and i felt his hand brush mine but ultimately go back in his pocket.

'hey, everybody. avatar kyoshi here.' said aang in a mock-female voice.

'kyoshi sounded nothing like that' i muttered (trying to find something to say), getting a weird look from someone in the crowd.

the mayor walked in front of aang and cried, 'this is ridiculous. for the murder of chin the great, this court finds the avatar...'

and as he tried to finish, a whirlwind appeared around aang and when it dispersed, kyoshi was standing there.

'i killed chin the conqueror.'

'a horrible tyrant, chin was expanding his army to all corners of the continent.'

The Last Hope ~ Book Two ~ sokka x reader x zukoWhere stories live. Discover now