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Kristin's POV

It'll be hard to not talk because I'm usually very loud. It's actually common for me to ramble.

I walked down the stairs when I finished my morning routine.

My mom was making hash browns and my dad was still sleeping. He could get up at 6:30, me on the other hand had to get up at 6:00.

"Hey sweetie, ready for school?" She smiled lightly. I didn't respond. I just searched the cupboards and fridge for fruit or a granola bar.

"Did you hear me, honey? Are your ears broken?" She joked. I nodded, keeping my head in the fridge.

I was such a sarcastic bitch.

"Why aren't you talking?" She asked with panic as my dad came out of the bedroom. Well, he was up early.

My parents know very well that I like to talk so they probably figured something was wrong.

"Kristin?" My dad's eyes were glowing with worry.

When I was younger, my mom, dad, and I learned sign language because dad's brother had become deaf.

I signed with my hands. "I can't talk."

My mom and dad gasped.

"Why not?" They asked at the same time.

I signed again.

"When Ryder took me, I might have screamed at him for days straight. Must have damaged my vocal cords."

My mom and dad nodded, a proud look in their eyes. I rolled mine, imagining them nodding in approval.

I walked outside and decided to walk.

I started playing one of my favorite songs.

(Song up top)

I didn't hear pounding behind me because of the song I was playing, my headphones blocking out the sounds around me, allowing me to drown in the music.

Meara and Sadi came up to my side and walked with me. There was a awkward silence. Sadi decided to break it.

"Soooo......." She said, "Did you see Ryder again?"

I shook my head no.

She raised a eyebrow at me because I usually would give a smartass comment and race them to school. I laughed silently at the thought.

"Kristin, why aren't you talking?" Meara asked concerned. They were like my mom and dad, always freaking out about the tiniest things.

I signed to them as that was the only way I could communicate.

"Can't talk." I kept my sentence short.

They didn't know sign language so they wouldn't understand what I had said, but if anyone uses sign language that meant they couldn't hear, talk, or they didn't want to talk.

Sadi and Meara both knew I can hear and talk. Well, could talk.

Sadi and Meara eyes were watering.
"Why, Kristin?" Sadi spoke up.

I shook my head in amusement. Thy were so melodramatic. I wasn't going mute, I just couldn't talk for now.

I'd tell them later, with the magic of a piece of paper and a pen. Oooo, sparkles and wands! Okay, that was unnecessary.

I just waved at them then shot into the forest, knowing they'd be thinking the worst right now.

When I was in the trees farther, I shifted into my wolf.

When I was sure that Sadi and Meara weren't near anymore, I just started trotting.

The woods here were beautiful. The trees made the sun peek through the leaves, making the dew on the grass shine like sprinkled glitter.

The trees blocked the wind, keeping the temperature perfect.

When I was lost in the beauty of the woods, I saw a black blur behind me. It snapped me out of my daze, and I instantly took off toward the school.

That's when I saw Ryder catching up to me.

I pushed myself harder because I thought if he caught me, he'd make me come back with him.

"Why are running you from me?" Ryder asked through mind link.

Oh, I don't know........can you detect the sarcasm?

"Because you're practically crazy?" I sent back sarcastically.

I didn't realize that when I mind linked him it made me slow down.

Ryder shot forward and curved so he was in front of me. He shifted back, but I stayed in my wolf form.

"I'm not crazy. I've waited for my mate my whole life, and I'm not just going to let her go. " He stated almost angrily.

I answered in mind link.

"I didn't know about mates until you told me. I still don't understand the concepts, and I need to get use to the terms, you're only forcing me into something I don't want."

His eyes went wide. Guess he realized I was right.

"I'm...sorry, but-" He started, yet I cut him off.

"There is no but." I said.

I took off out of the woods, and towards the direction of the school before he could say anything else. I couldn't teleport because I didn't want Ryder to know I was a witch.

I looked back and stopped dead in my tracks. Ryder wasn't there. I checked my surroundings and still, no Ryder.

I focused and teleported. I ran to the back of the building and leaned up against the brick wall.

Deja Vu.

I slide down the wall and thought to myself.

'How could this get any worse?'

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