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Kristin's POV

When I woke up, I looked around, forgetting exactly where I was.

I'm glad that Ryder's dad, the current alpha, didn't show him the prophecy book. Then Ryder would know I was a rare wolf. Don't even ask me how I know that but not about packs.

Yeah, he would be super pissed. 'Cause the prophecy told that I would either live or die.

I was just watching TV in the treehouse when I heard a growl outside. I opened up the door and peeked outside, looking around.

Dumb wolves and their noses. There in all his stupid glory, was Ryder's beta, Chris, standing on the ground looking up at me.

I scoffed. Seriously, Ryder, seriously. I just sighed and tried to think of a plan.

I gasped silently, my vocal cords still not working, and pointed behind him, a look of fake fear on my face.

He growled and took off running to the trees. That was my chance. I climbed up on the roof of the treehouse and jumped off the back, taking off.

After I heard Chris behind me, I shifted. I heard Chris stop and I turned around. I was met with a frozen Beta.

He gasped and pointed at me.

"Your the prophecy wolf!"

I just nodded sadly. He growled with a low, serious voice.

"I have to tell Ryder."

I just shook my head so hard I think I might have gotten whip lash. He frowned, but talked again, through the link I had acquired with the pack because of me being Luna.

"I know you know that Ryder has not read the prophecy book. But he's going to read it at a meeting he had to leave to. Why do you think he sent me after you and didn't come himself?

I just froze. I could feel my heart beating in my chest, my pulse on my neck and wrist, and my blood running cold.

I didn't know anything after.

Chris's POV

She just blacked out. Our Luna might die. Ryder would break, thinking it's his fault because he couldn't protect her.

I tried mind linking Ryder, but his block was up. Probably because he was in a meeting.

I picked her up and took off toward the pack house.

Ryder's POV

Kristin's wolf just wouldn't leave my head. Why did it have red eyes and ears?

I was at the prophecy meeting. Its where an elder wolf would read the prophecy book to four alphas who were twenty years of age.

"One wolf with colored ears and eyes would have a destiny, good or bad, die or live, it is for fate to choose. He or she would be extremely rare and the hunters would kill him/ her in fear of it being too powerful, or rouges would make a heir with it for its powerful breed." The elder wolf read, the big book in his hands.

Kristin had colored ears and eyes! She's the prophecy wolf! My mate might die!

I trembled in rage in my chair, feeling my green eyes turn amber. The elder must have sensed my anger because he spared a glance at me.

"Alpha Ryder, is there a problem?" He asked me.

"My mate is the god damned prophecy wolf!" I exclaimed in anger.

Everyone gaped. I stood up and growled lowly.

"I'm going to see my mate, and you can't stop me. I can read the rest later."

I ran out of the meeting building and shifted into my black wolf. I sprinted to the pack house, adrenaline driving me.

When I stepped inside the pack house, Chris was on the couch.

"She's upstairs." He said. So he knew.

I stomped up the stairs. I stopped at my bedroom door, smelling her scent the strongest in there.

Then I knocked.

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