Yay! Gossip!

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Ryder's POV

What she had said made me feel guilty, but I wasn't used to waiting. I was an Alpha and when I wanted something, I got it, by force if necessary.

Maybe I could wait, for her, but my wolf didn't listen to commands, not even from his mate. He was boss, and he'd take what he wanted.

And I had to agree, I was selfish, too.

My acts have not been planned, my feelings clouding my judgment. My decisions may have been rash, but she was being unreasonable. The mate pull was impossible to ignore, I knew she felt it, too. Why did she ignore it? How could she not know?

I shifted back into my black wolf and took off toward Kristin's school. It wasn't far from the pack house.

When I got there I saw her two friends that I threatened, the feeling of guilt building when I remembered. That was probably one of the reasons she felt as if she had to block me out.

Their expressions were blank. Since I'm an alpha, I obtain a power at the age of 18. I was allowed to read humans' minds without the struggle of regaining privacy in their state of mind.

'Why'd Ryder have to kidnap her? Now she won't talk.' Her brown haired friend thought.

She wouldn't talk?! They knew that Kristin was a werewolf?

I decided to read her other blonde haired friend's mind.

'What happened to her that she won't talk? Or can she not right now? I wonder if it has to do with her being a werewolf, or would it connect with her being a witch...?'

It seemed this friend's mind was a wanderer.

Wait...hold the phone...

Kristin is a wolf...and a witch?!

Hybrids aren't found easily, combinations of supernaturals were rare and unique, their existence being only once in a blue moon.

This just gave me a reason to take her back, to protect her. The rouges would be looking for her, usually getting rewards for ridding of her kind, and hunters would kill her as a prize.

Is that why she didn't tell me? Because she didn't want me to have another reason to take her again? It didn't matter anyways, she was...mine!

Kristin's POV

When I met up with Meara and Sadi again, I explained, on a piece of paper, that I just couldn't speak right now.

In Class

I was in Social Studies class, hoping I wasn't picked to speak because I couldn't.

We were playing Around The World with Christmas questions because it was winter. Noah was the one winning. He was standing next to Ashley.

When, finally, he got to me, which was when I thought 'Dammit', Mr. Jennisch spoke.

"What is the favorite drink for Christmas?"

I just sat there staring at him when Noah spoke.

"Egg Nog." Everyone in the class was looking at me. I sighed internally, just great. That was probably the easiest question, too.

"Why didn't you try to answer?" Mr. Jennisch asked. I didn't say anything, I just stood there.

"Kristin..." He spoke with more authority. I just mentally cursed then signed.

"I can't speak, my vocal cords are damaged."

Everyone looked confused, now knowing I couldn't exactly speak. Yay! Another gossip story! I could hear it now, 'OMG, how did that, like, happen?'.

Okay, I'm being stereotypical.

When Mr. Jennisch was about to say something, the loud speaker came on.

"Kristin Lite to the office, please." The secretary called.

I just got up and walked out, not bothering to grab my stuff. When I was going to the office, I sensed a new aura was present inside.

I hesitated to open the door, but did and walked in. I saw someone that I was not happy to see.

I growled lowly and signed angrily.

"What is he doing here?"

The secretary looked taken aback, her knowing sign language.

"He told me he needed to talk to you."

I just nodded.

She left and closed the door behind her. I turned to face Ryder Blaze, the one I totally didn't want to see right now. He frowned slightly.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a witch and wolf hybrid?"

I just stood there, stunned. How did he know I was a hybrid? He spoke up as if he was reading my mind.

"Since I'm an alpha, I can read anybody's mind."

So he DID read my mind. I just nodded and signed again.

"I didn't tell you because only people who are close to me know."

He growled loudly, and I thought the secretary would think there was a wolf in here. Which there technically was.

"I am close to you, I'm your mate!" He scowled.

I just shook my head and signed again "Let me rephrase that, only people I trust."

With that I shot through the office window and teleported to my secret treehouse to think.

I smirked, wondering what Ryder was going to tell Ms. Storm, the secretary.

I sat down on the fake leather couch, and after all the stress, sleep overtook me.

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