"So, how do you want to do this?" B.O.Y.D asked as they trudged down the steep hill towards the junkyard. "I grab the original and you handle -."
Webby whirled around and glared at him, stopping so fast that she knocked him to the ground. B.O.Y.D looked up at her fumeing face and snickered.
"I will not interact on this mission." She snarled at him. "I know this is punishment for -." She stopped and turned away, so he wouldn't see the tears threatening to fall from her eyes.
She thought she had been decreet when she asked Dewey about her Louie. But that wasn't the case, Goldie had seen right through her and as punishment she was forced to bring both Louie's to her so that it will give Webby more motivation in getting the answers Goldie wanted out of Dewey.
"That's why I'm here." B.O.Y.D sneered, getting up to his feet. His creaking of his robot lims making Webby cringe. He got up close behind her and hissed in her ear. "To make sure you do interact. It wouldn't be much of a punishment if you didn't. Now, would it?" He asked.
Webby blinked hard to keep from crying.
B.O.Y.D chuckled.
He loved how they had such a hold on the girl. Not being able to do anything but obey. He took this moment to remind Webby just how helpless she really was.
He bent his head down close to her neck, and planted his metal lips firmly on it. He felt her trembling slightly, as he started to knaw just a little bit just enough for her neck to turn completely red.
Of course, B.O.Y.D couldn't feel any emotion, so but the look on the girl's face was enough for his circuts to short circut just a bit. He had loved their little games he played with her at the castle during these last five years.
He almost thought he felt himself sad that it was hitting the climax and the thought of him not being able to continue them made this worth while to him. That one little emotion just barely out of reach for him to feel what it truely meant to be human...
"Stop. Please." Webby whispered.
B.O.Y.D chuckled under his breath but didn't let go. Those many times she had begged him to stop only made him want to do things to her even more. The metal against Webby's skin burned slightly sending a chill down her spine.
It was all too much for her. Webby stared down the hill towards the junkyard. They were celebrating the brother's kindled relationship. How much she wanted to be the one sitting between Huey and Louie again, laughing with them, holding Louie's hand...
She dreaded to see the look on his face when he sees her. First happy, then shocked, then hurt, it tore her up inside. She had invisioned on how her meeting would be with Louie would be after all these years. But she had hoped it would be under other circumstances, and not on an act of betrayal.
And his curse.
The curse that was unleashed within Louie that day Lena died.
Webby looked up at the night sky. It was close to activating. How Louie must have dreaded it every night without her by his side made her stomach churn with guilt.
She only just found out what the curse was with the little bit of freedom she had within the castle walls as she listened to the gaurds whispering and talking about how great a leader Lena had been. How sad it was about what happened with her and Louie, then dying by the hands of her best friend...
Finally, B.O.Y.D let go of her, and put a hand firmly on her back and gave her a rough push of encouragment to keep moving.
Webby did, and when she moved her legs felt like led with every step she took. She could still feel the burning metal up against her flesh where B.O.Y.D had been making her feel sick to her stomach as well as the guilt churning inside.
They made it down the hill and Webby stopped at the base of the entrence of the barbed wired fence, two torches lit up on either side of it. She hung back in the shadows, watching as long as she could at the look of happiness on her Louie's face. The sound of his laughter filled her aching heart with a moment of pure bliss.
"Get your ass out of your ears, Webbigail." B.O.Y.D hissed in her ear making Webby blinke as he pushed her roughly foward into the light.
The Begeal Boys were the first to notice her. Twenty or so heads turned in her direction, and narrowed their eyes at her. Ma Beagal was on the porch of her trailer in front of the long wooden tables that had been set for the feast and she too noticed the girl next, and her eyes squinted at her.
When the 'other,' Louie suddenly realized nobody was no longer laughing with him he slowly turned and saw her. He blinked once, then twice, before slowly standing up. Webby and Louie glanced at each other and Huey couldn't help but feel that something was wrong.
Very, very, wrong.
He saw his brother slowly coming out from behind the table and started for Webby. He made it half way to her before Huey got the nerve to jump up, run to him and grab his arm just as he was about to run to her.
Louie looked back over at him, glaring.
"What are you doing?" He asked, as he tried to break away from his brother's grip, but Huey held on tightly.
"S,Something isn't right." He told her. He glanced over at the 'other,' Webby. She hadn't moved from her spot. Hadn't even looked over at them. Her eyes darted around the junkyard, to avoid any eye contact with them.
Louie stared at him.
"W,What?" He asked, his felt his face hot with anger. "Are you my brother's keeper now?" He hissed at him. "I haven't seen her in five years Huey!" He said the last line a bit more loudly making the 'original,' Webby get slowly to her feet.
The 'original,' Louie fought back the urge to stop her. She had that look on her face and he knew that he couldn't stop her even if he wanted too.
He just have to hang back, until he was needed.
"Ask yourself why though." Huey told him, The 'original,' Webby had gotten up to them at this point and stopped beside Huey.
"W,Why?" Louie stammered. He looked back at his Webby who still stood, and the 'original,' Webby notice up this close that she was holding something behind her back.
She agreed silently with Huey. Something was wrong. Why would her double show up all of a sudden after all these years? Webby thought she heard a clinking of metal from a few yards away and the whistles of engines kicking to life, but she shooked herself. Hoping that it was just her imagination playing tricks on her.
"I don't care why!" Louie shouted at him, pulling Webby out of her paranoia. He jerked his hand back and pushed Huey roughly to the ground making his way for his Webby again.
"Please, Louie. Wait." Webby said, her heart pounded hard against her chest.
It took all of his will power to do so but he stopped and looked back at her. Webby slowly walked up to him and grabbed his hand.
"Dont, -." She began. Squeezing his hand tightly as Huey slowly got to his feet."Don't throw away what you just accomplished with Huey over this." She pleaded. She looked towards her double who was not staring off into the distance, her eyes fixed on something up ahead.
"I, I'm sorry, Webby. I, I can't -." Louie said, in a small whisper. He pulled her close to him as he put his other hand inside his jacket. Webby watched as he pulled out the small black traveling box that had brought them here. He let go of Webby's hand gently and pushed the object roughly in her hands.
Webby stared at it.
Why was he giving her this?
"Go." He told her, making Webby look up at him. "and save Dewey, and get back home safely. I, I don't think you guys need my help anymore..."
Webby blinked back confused.
"But, but what about our worlds collasping?" She whispered.
"It'll be fine." He told her. "As long as I, as I have her..." His voice trailed off and looked back at his Webby before quickly turning back to her double. "J, just consider this my third strike. Okay?" He asked, backing away from her slowly.
Third strike? She thought as she watched him whirle around and run towards his Webby with a wide grin plastered on his face.
She didn't even want there to be any strikes with him.
She didn't know what she'd even do as punishment to him when he got to the third strike. Hand't even thought about it. But she guessed the worse she could do was not speak to him the rest of the time they were there.
"Webbs!" Louie gushed as he made it up to her.
Webby watched as Louie flung his arms around her double. She watched as her double just stood there frozen in place.
The 'other,' Louie felt her trembling slighlty that made him look up at her face. What he saw made him think that maybe Huey had been right. What he saw were tears.
No. They can't be. It must be his curse.
Yeah. That was it.
His curse.
He could feel it creeping up on him like a moth to a flame. He had hoped he'd be alone when it started. Perhaps he was, and this was what he had to see...
Because the Webby he knew never let anyone see her cry. Not even him. He told her once it was because she didn't want anyone to think of her as weak.
"Do it," Said a voice from behind her, and Louie's heart nearly stopped and he slowly started to back away as He looked behind her as two yellow eyes came into view first from the shadows. He saw the sly smile across his face first before his entire body had come into the light, right behind Webby.
Louie blinked as B.O.Y.D put his arms around Webby's neck, as if lovingly, taunting Louie.
"Now." He ordered her, as he helped pull her arm out from behind her back.
Louie stared at the laser gun in front of him, as B.O.Y.D made Webby point the laser up towards Louie's chest. It was the kind with the three prongs, and the laser pointer.
"I, I'm sorry Louie." She said her first words she said to him in five years, knowing that it wouldn't make up for any of this as she pulled the trigger, and the laser gun's prongs shot him in the chest before he even had time to react.
Huey, Webby, and the 'original,' Louie watched as his double fell hard to the ground as if in slow motion. His eyes staring up at Webby in shock, more so then because of the laser gun. He felt numb. His mouth felt dry, and his vision was blurry.
Huey made a mad dash from him. But Webby held him back, she was so caught up in protecting Huey that she couldn't stop the second blur of green rushing past her at Webby and B.O.Y.D. She whirled around, and shouted,
"Louie! NO!"
Louie skidded to a stop and looked back at her just at her double pointed the gun at him too and pulled the trigger. The 'orignal Louie,' face was frozen in surprise before falling hard to the ground next to her.
Webby quickly but the traveling box in her backpack, and started for Louie. But it was Huey's turn to hold her back. Webby glared at him sharply.
"We have to go." Huey told her.
"What? No! I can't just leave him!" Webby shouted.
She looked back as a dozen or so Huey bots came swarming in from behind B.O.Y.D the mystery of the noises from earlier now became clear to her. Her heart was pounded hard against her chest as she watched B.O.Y.D who had hosted both Louie's up and onto his shoulders. Her double lingering a bit before slowly turning and followed B.O.Y.D out of the junkyard into the cool, chill of the night.
Dewey Duck Vs. The Nega Verse Book 2 - Can't take the U out of Universe
AdventureIt's been five years since Dewey gotten back home safely from the Nega Verse, and everything was finally going his way. But then, Louie double shows up at the most happiest moment of his life asking for their help. Dewey swallows his pride of going...