Chapter 18

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Jack's Pov

"Elsa!...dah...uh..guh... I-i-m sorry! I-i was..- i was not looking where i-i was g-going, im v-very sorry!" My voice was shaky i prayed that she would forgive me though i knew she was gonna yell or hiccup might co-

"What the f*ck dude!" He yelled at me as he helped elsa up. "l-look i-I didnt m-mean too!"

Why was i shaking? Am i scared? Scared of what? Hiccup?!

"Enough! Leave us alone or else!" And with that i found myself running home as fast as possible. But as i ran home... I had a question... That question is, am i getting scared of hiccup?

~Time skip~

Later on i decided to get some fresh air... I walked outside to the dog house with a leash.

"Frost?" Silence "Frost, come here boy *whistles*" silence.... *sigh* "Frost please... I know you hate me for what i did but.... Please... Your my only friend... My real friend..."i whispered the last part. at first there was even more silence but then Frost finally came out, wagging his tail like the old times. I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"How about we go for a walk at the park?" I sad still smiling. He barked and spinned around with joy, i quickly put on the leash as we both walked to the park.

~At The Park ⛄️~

Jack:"Oh and frost im going to buy you a new toy!"

Frost:"Bark! Bark!"

Jack:"hehehe good dog..."

I patted his head as he wagged his tail more. I looked around enjoying the trees, the grass, and everything in this park.

As i was walking, frost stopped wich made me pull his leash a little. "what's up budd?" I looked at what he was looking at only to see the love birds... Elsa and hiccup....

They were sitting on a bench enjoying the sunset... but i dont think frost was looking at that right?

I looked back at frost and he was looking at something else. I turned my head back to 'hiccelsa' then to the floor next to them. oh... Now i know... Winter and toothless, winter was laying down on the grass while toothless licked her injury... the one I made...

I looked back at where we're standing and... I found myself in the shadows...

"Lets go budd..." I say quietly enough for him to hear. He slightly nodded and followed still walking under the shadows of the trees...

We walked for a while until we both sat down near the lake, under a tree and watch the rest of the sunset. i looked to the side & you could still see them on the bench... smiling...laughing... teasing each other... *sigh*

I lowered my head in a shameful way "what have I done?" I said, i seddenly felt a paw touch my shoulder. i looked over to see frost...

"Oh frost..., What have i done? I lost the one i loved..." A tear formed in the corner of my eye but frost licked it away. he made a sad noise and i hugged him.

"This is why your my only friend..."

❄️Frost's Pov❄️

I felt bad for my owner. I have never seen him cry... And i want him to be strong.... Yea he kicked winter but... He's still my friend.

He still hasn't let go from the hug but im fine with it. i rested my head on his shoulder and enjoyed the lake.

I looked back and found a green ball next to a tree. i quickly ran towards it as jack looked at me confused.

"what happen frost?" He asked as i bring the ball to him, "oh, so you wanna play catch?" I barked and spinned around as if saying yes to him.

"c'mon then!" He smiled as we ran to the side of the lake where there's more space to throw and catch.


"Bark!" He threw the ball and i ran after it. a few second later i brought it back, "hey frost stand right over there" he pointed to the middle of the feild and i obeyed.

"Now catch it ok?" I nodded

He threw the ball once again as it came towards me. I jumped high enough to catch it but i missed, "c'mon frost you can do it!" I brought him the ball and went to my possition.

~few minutes later~

"Ok frost, here goes!"

I can do this! I looked back at both the lovebirds and they are looking straight at us. turned my head back at jack as he smirked, i nodded as he nodded as well.

I think i know what he ment. we both backed away a little and got ready, "go fetch!" He threw the ball and i waited for the perfect moment.

**Slow Motion Ativated**

Everything went slow, i looked at the ball as it flew through the air coming closer to me. I took a deep breath then out, i could do this... i looked at winter and she has wide eyes.... as for toothless... he started to snarl...

(hiccelsa's reaction:

Elsa looked happy and excited about frost catching the ball since he failed the other times, hiccup looked annoyed its like if he was ready to drag elsa somewhere else.)

I looked back at the ball and found the perfect time...




I jumped as i opened my mouth to catch it, just a little more. i closed my eyes and quickly closed my mouth.

**Slow Motion Deactivated**

I landed on my paws still my eyes closed, i opened them to see jack running towards me, smiling.

"Yea!! You did it!!" He cheered, i tried closing my mouth more but there was something there... wait... did i catch the ball? I looked around... no ball... I DID!!

I ran towards jack. close enough, i jumped on him and dropped the ball. wagging my tail, licking his face, i was happy that i catched the ball. "Goodboy..." he rubbed my head as i barked.

"Lets go home yeah?" I nodded. "a race home?" "Bark!" "1... 2... 3!" We both sped off home, he had my leash (off) as i had the ball.

We past the others quickly but they still looked annoyed or... just the males...

You know what? Even if i cant see winter anymore... i still have jack! And im fine with that...!



Dont forget to





Bye! ❄️

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