Chapter 2

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The next morning Liu Yong ordered breakfast for himself. Zhou RenShu no longer tried to escape but he also paid no attention to Liu Yong, instead he faced the wall and stayed curled in on his slender body in hopes of staying warm but this of course was pointless since there was no heat in his body. Once breakfast arrived Liu Yong opened the lid to Zhou RenShu's new home and placed down a piece of meat the size of a mouse, before closing it and returning to the table to eat his own food.

The meat was freshly cooked so the heat was more welcoming than the delicious scent, causing Zhou RenShu to slide his way over to where the meat was placed and wrap his slim body around the small piece of warmth. Unfortunately because a snake's body was always cold and Zhou RenShu was colder than usual, the warmth he seeked very quickly disappeared.

Disappointed, cold and sad Zhou RenShu could only eat the cold meat then return to his corner, resuming his ball-like position. Liu Yong completely ignored the snake after giving it breakfast and once he was stuffed he pulled out his laptop to continue tracking Wu Yun.

Like all of his attempts before, last night had been a fail too. Using various demons and cultivators with high cultivation to lure the man, he still had no luck. His acquaintances in the hospitality industry, although having caught glimpses of the wanted man were never enough to have a sufficient address. Once all of his contacts were called the only information he had been given was that Wu Yun was wanting to stay in the city a while longer since it was pot full of high cultivation. That and there would be a dinner happening at a restaurant. Wu Yun was guranteed to attend.

Zhou RenShu was bored, hungry and cold after spending a few hours ignoring the scary man he didn't know the name of yet and rolled over to see what the man was doing. Liu Yong was no longer naked but wasn't fully clothed either since he was only sitting at the table in his underwear. Zhou RenShu hadn't noticed this last night but he could see on both of Liu Yong's biceps were thin metal cuffs, inserted into the metal looked like different precious stones but sensing that Liu Yong wasn't the average cultivator, Zhou RenShu knew these stones held a purpose.

A small knock at the door sounded before a gentle voice called out room service, Liu Yong stood up with no shame and answered the door. The young woman pushing the cart smiled sweetly even though an obvious blush filled her face, she pushed the cart inside the room before placing a total of five large plates down onto the table. "So many dishes, aren't you staying by yourself?"

Liu Yong couldn't be bothered to make small talk with a stranger and he held the door open, giving the woman a hint that she shouldn't dilly dally with her talk. The woman shyly pushed the cart before spotting Zhou RenShu in his glass case. Usually people would become scared once catching even the smallest glimpse of a snake but this woman wasn't frightened at all and ditched her cart in hopes of getting a better look.

"Leave him." Zhou RenShu shrank back when the woman tapped on the glass firmly, turning a deaf ear to the half naked man behind her, she spoke in a baby voice, as if what she was looking at was not a snake but a puppy. "Aren't you so cute~"

Before she could tap on the glass again her wrist was caught and her body was firmly turned. She wanted to cry out but once she saw how angry Liu Yong looked she hurriedly apologised then took her leave. The hotel Liu Yong was currently staying in was strictly open to only cultivators and demons, the staff also had to fit into this criteria too.

Liu Yong didn't want any unnecessary attention in case Wu Yun caught wind of him, so after finishing his large lunch all of his luggage was packed, including the glass case holding Zhou RenShu. Without batting an eyelid Liu yong shoved the glass case into the small bag holding all of his cultivation items and weapons.

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