Chapter 21

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Liu Yong didn't return to work after leaving the hotel, instead he walked into a research facility and handed over the small box of pills. The scientists had never encountered something like this before. "I want you to find a way to recreate these in a sustainable way, no casualties."

_ _ _ _ _ _

Officer Yu wasn't exactly honest when trying to convince Zhou RenShu to help with their mission. "Liu Yong asked you to come find me? Why didn't he come himself?"

"Liu Yong is busy with his research on helping demon's hide their identity, for some reason although he was able to hide yours ,he's struggling to recreate that success. If you agree to help us then the workload for Liu Yong will go down and he will become happier."

Zhou RenShu was confused. Why isn't Liu Yong happy? Did he send me away because he was struggling with work? He should've said then I could have helped earlier, and I wouldn't need to feel so lonely and scared all the time. Although this time of grief had forced Zhou RenShu to grow up, his way of thinking was still naive in certain aspects. "Will I be able to see Liu Yong?"

"Of course!" Officer Yu was trying every card he had to get Zhou RenShu to agree, when he finally received the nod of approval he released a long held breath. Standing up he made his way to the door. "I'll set up all the details and when the time comes I'll come pick you up."

"Why can't Liu Yong come get me?" Zhou RenShu had only agreed since Officer Yu had told him he could see Liu Yong, if he couldn't then what would be the point in helping this stranger? Officer Yu's happy expression stiffened as he tried to think of a quick excuse. "Liu Yong left me in charge of the mission, right now he is focusing on his research. Once the mission is successfully finished I promise, you'll be able to see him."

Officer Yu left before Zhou RenShu could ask anymore questions. Leaving the small boy to sit alone. I have to make sure the mission is a success, even though Li Qing terrifies me, I have to be strong for Liu Yong. Once Li Qing has been captured we can be together again! For the first time in a few days, Zhou RenShu cooked, his meal wasn't great but it was warming to his empty stomach.

For the first time since he had lived by himself in the small apartment, Zhou RenShu was able to sleep soundly, he didn't dream of the flora field he both loved and loathed. He instead dreamed of him and Liu Yong living in a shared apartment. The mornings spent cuddling before eating breakfast on the balcony filled with light, Liu Yong would go to work while he would go to his art classes. Once they would return home Liu Yong would cook for Zhou RenShu and personally feed him before they would return to the bedroom to dual cultivate.

Everything seemed so real that when Zhou RenShu woke up, it took him a while to remember it was only a dream. Although those types of dreams would usually leave him feeling extremely cold, today was different since he firmly believed in Officer Yu's words. As long as he could see Liu Yong then the lonely days would become easier to bear.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Officer Yu came into work the next day extremely happy, he arrived at his group meeting to set up a location, time and date with a body full of energy. After an hour everything was sorted and he left the room full of high spirit, although his spirits were high he had to make sure to hide this in front of Liu Yong. The man had ordered him to not bring Zhou RenShu in, but in Officer Yu's mind. I'm not bringing him here to discuss the mission and the mission is being held outside of the precinct so technically I'm not going against Liu Yong, even so, I should keep this hidden.

Thankfully Liu Yong was barely at his work for the following days, allowing Officer Yu to have full control over the Li Qing case. To lure Li Qing out of hiding, Officer Yu had Zhou RenShu wear a tracking device then told him to walk around the city. Zhou RenShu had to walk around the areas where bars and clubs were situated.

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