Chapter 24

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After that sweet moment the lover's went through many trials. Zhou RenShu's brain had luckily suffered no injuries but his body was extremely weak, he had to learn how to eat and move again. It had been one week already but Zhou RenShu was still on a liquid diet, his body was having problems digesting after being empty for so long. Although Zhou RenShu's body was unable to eat properly, his taste buds said otherwise. "I want meat~"

"No meat until you can poop properly, you're on a liquid diet yet you need laxatives." Liu Yong was mixing the cultivation medicine with the vegetable porridge. Zhou RenShu remembered the bitter taste all too well and tried to evade the spoon, his reflexes were too slow though and the small spoon quickly passed through his lips. Liu Yong followed the spoon with a straw. "For now, we'll have to use juice."

Zhou RenShu happily drank from the straw before his face scrunched into a ball of wrinkles. "Why is it so sour?!"

"Your body can't handle sugar at the moment, everything will have to be unsweetened." The breakfast was tiring for both men, once the baby sized bowl was emptied Zhou RenShu felt relieved. The nurse soon came by and it was time for Zhou RenShu's physio. Liu Yong lifted the tiny boy from the bed and sat him down in a wheelchair. "Do you have a goal, Xiao RenShu?"

The nurse walked beside the wheelchair Liu Yong was pushing, Zhou RenShu had not only been struggling to digest food but his body had been struggling with the basic task of walking too. Zhou RenShu nodded his head but didn't tell the nurse his goal. Once they arrived at the gym, Liu Yong left the small boy in the hands of the nurse while he went off and did his own workout.

Liu Yong had wanted to stay and cheer his lover on but Zhou RenShu refused, even if Liu Yong wanted to he would be scolded by a soft voice that was barely loud enough to talk let alone shout. Zhou RenShu watched Liu Yong disappear to the heavyweight section before he started his own work.

The nurse helped Zhou RenShu out of the wheelchair and down onto the ground, with two 500 gram weights Zhou RenShu was to hold the weights above his head for 10 seconds before he could have a break. Once this was done 10 times ankle weights of the same amount were wrapped around his legs. "Lift one leg at a time."

Zhou RenShu grit his teeth as his face burned red. His legs trembled from the small weight, his leg was only a few centimetres off of the ground but it was already tiring. Zhou RenShu pushed and lifted until his skinny leg was almost 20 centimetres from the ground, exhausted he let his leg fall to the ground. "Good work, let's do the other leg."

The pain and exhaustion started again as Zhou RenShu struggled to lift his other leg, the thin layer of muscles strained and burned while Zhou RenShu's nails dug into his palm, small whines escaping from his clenched mouth. Keep going, a little more! Don't stop RenShu! Eventually the shaking leg was lifted to the same height before it fell to the ground. The nurse clapped happily before offering the red boy a drink of water. "You're improving well, it may seem slow but that's only because you know your body was capable of doing these tasks before."

"Let's go again." Zhou RenShu wiped his sweaty face before he laid back down, the nurse always tried to pace him but Zhou RenShu was determined to get better as soon as possible. After 10 leg raises, the nurse assisted Zhou RenSu with sit ups. "Great work, when you need it, take a break."

Zhou RenShu didn't want a break though, his body was burning and crying out in pain but it didn't matter. I need to walk, I have to be able to walk beside Liu Yong. Zhou RenShu laid back on the soft floor, his chest rose and fell quickly from the small amount of sit ups. "I'll set up the bars and then we'll practice your steps."

The nurse walked away while Zhou RenShu took a break, in the distance he could see Liu Yong working out. The tall man had chains and weights hanging from his shoulders as he did chin ups. His strong body was covered in a light layer of sweat. Seeing the sight gave Zhou RenShu's tired body strength and he sat himself up, the nurse was straightening the bars when she saw Zhou RenShu struggling to stand up. "RenShu! Don't push yourself too far."

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