Chapter 13

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That night, Zhou RenShu slept alone. The whole night the stone sitting against his chest burned against his skin. Zhou RenShu dreamt vividly, as if he was reliving a memory. In his dream he woke up next to a river, there were no houses or people, only the rushing water and forest surrounding him. Zhou RenShu walked around the empty land but he still found no one.

Something inside told him to change into his snake form and soon, the pale yellow snake slithered along the riverside. The sun stayed high in the sky even though the small snake had traveled far. Soon the river led Zhou RenShu to an open clearing filled with wildflowers. Bumble bees buzzed around along with dragonflies. Zhou RenShu slithered between the scented flowers before he felt a pair of large warm hands pick his light body up from the ground.

The man holding looked at the snake fondly, Who are you? Zhou RenShu had never seen this man before but he didnt feel frightened or want to run away. The man sat down with the tall flowers shielding his slim body, if people were to pass by they would think the field was only home to insects and flowers. "I'm Fan Lei."

Zhou RenShu hissed lightly, Fan Lei continued to hold the small snake, petting the soft scales that reflected the warm sun above them. Zhou RenShu bumped his small nose against Fan Lei's cheek then changed back to his human form, his clothes had vanished and he was sitting on the man's lap completely naked. "I'm Zhou RenShu."

"Are you sure?" Zhou RenShu slowly nodded his head a little confused at the question. Fan Lei poked at the river stone hanging around the small boy's neck, Zhou RenShu noticed Fan Lei was wearing the same thing only his rock was a little larger. "We have the same necklace."

Zhou RenShu rubbed a small finger over the smooth rock on Fan Lei's chest, it felt cold. During this Fan Lei slid his fingers holding the stone on Zhou RenShu's body to glide along the delicate white chest. Zhou RenShu shivered at the touch then did the same to Fan Lei who was clothed. Fan Lei brought the small Zhou RenShu into his chest, holding the boy with a tightness that said "I'll never let go." "Xiao She, do you still trust me."

Xiao She? Zhou RenShu pulled back and stared at the man before him. He wanted to say that wasn't his name but when he met the warm black eyes gazing at him, he could only nod as if hypnotised. Fan Lei smiled with relief and planted a sweet kiss on Zhou RenShu's forehead. "Fan Lei."

Fan Lei kissed along Zhou RenShu's cheek sliding his lips along the slender jaw, arriving at the tender pink lips. Zhou RenShu shivered even though his body was burning with heat. He kept whispering Fan Lei's name while his hands tried to remove the clothes Fan Lei was wearing. Zhou RenShu was slowly pushed down, the sweet scent of the flowers towering over them made his head spin. Fan Lei did as the small boy wanted and removed his clothes, hovering above the small boy fully bare. "I never stopped loving you."

Zhou RenShu's eyes shed tears as he pulled the man down onto his body, their skin rubbing against each other. Fan Lei's gentle caresses turned hard as he held Zhou RenShu tighter, their lips clashing together passionately. Zhou RenShu gasped for air but his mouth was filled. The two men's tongues played and danced together as if they were long lost friends.

During their dance Fan Lei rocked his hips against the boy beneath him, Zhou RenShu's hands crept up to Fan Lei's hair while his legs spread as far as they could open. Small whines and whimpers escaped his blocked mouth as Fan Lei's hand played with his little flower stem. Sweet nectar never ceased to drip from Zhou RenShu, with slick fingers Fan Lei lowered his hand.

A wet finger poked around the pink hole before finally entering, Zhou RenShu whined while tears continued to fall from his eyes, when another finger filled his small flower he called out Fan Lei's name softly. Fan Lei pulled Zhou RenShu up into his lap again, his own erected meat pushed inside as Zhou RenShu sat down. Breathless gasps came from the flushed boy as he clung to the man tightly. "I love you, Fan Lei, I love you."

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