Chapter 11

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It took Liu Yong almost 30 minutes to turn his computer off, the office faded into darkness and silence. Few workers stayed in the office building this late at night, leaving Liu Yong to process everything alone. The clip had answered only one question, the person who had killed Wang She wasn't Fan Lei. Not only was an answer given, there was also an unbearable guilt and ache growing in Liu Yong's chest. He no longer wanted to read the letter and he wanted to burn the USBs but he couldn't.

He was an officer for the protection of cultivators and demons. This is my job! Liu Yong had countless people killed before his eyes, he had gotten used to the putrid stench of rotting flesh as well as the dirty metallic scent that old blood carried. Even though he had been at his job for over two centuries, a single video was able to tear him back to reality, forcing him to face death as if it was his first time witnessing such a crime.

In the end Liu Yong couldn't open the letter, instead he packed everything back into the box except for the stone in his hand. He couldn't bear to part with it. Once the office was cleaned, Liu Yong left. Sitting inside his car, he drove around the lit up city without much care as to where he was driving. Various streets and roads passed by but nothing held any detail in his mind. Liu Yong drove for almost an hour before his shaky hands turned the wheel and he unknowingly returned to the hotel.

Sunrise was only a couple hours away once the door to his hotel room was pushed open. Liu Yong dragged his heavy feet to the bathroom. He turned the cold water on and stepped in. Not bothering with removing his clothes. The stone warmed his freezing body but the warmth placed a heavy weight on his mind and heart. Shutting off the water Liu Yong removed his drenched clothes and roughly dried his body.

Zhou RenShu was sleeping in the middle of the bed, his head resting on Liu Yong's pillow. Before getting under the blankets Liu Yong took a chain from his bag and clasped the stone around his neck, it felt wrong but he had no idea what to do with it. This sort of token couldn't be returned to Wang She's parents and he didn't have the mental capacity to find out what happened to Fan Lei right now.

Under the blankets Liu Yong still felt cold and confused as well as empty and broken. Zhou RenShu rolled over to squirm his way into Liu Yong's side, Liu Yong might feel frozen inside but to Zhou RenShu he felt warm. Usually the boy would be pushed away and held at an arm's length for the remainder of the night, however Liu Yong only rolled his body to face the small boy beside him. Wang She and Zhou RenShu are very similar, is this the reasoning for my odd emotions?

Liu Yong placed his large palm over Zhou RenShu's cheek, to him they felt the same. Cold. Zhou RenShu moved his own hand and gripped onto Liu Yong's just like how Wang She had done to Fan Lei on their final night together. Liu Yong was exhausted after the day's events, he was so exhausted he couldn't keep his eyes open for any longer. With closed eyes Liu Yong removed his hand from the small boy's face, instead he slid it to the nape of Zhou RenShu's neck while his other hand snaked around the small waist, drawing Zhou RenShu into his chest. His hold on the boy was so tight it probably was uncomfortable but he didn't care. With Zhou RenShu squeezed tightly into his embrace Liu Yong could feel he was alive, he knew Zhou RenShu was safe now.

_ _ _ _ _ _

For the first time in his life, Zhou RenShu felt sweaty. In his dream he was engulfed in a warm blanket, although the blanket felt meaty and stiff it was warm. Zhou RenShu rolled around in the odd blanket while laughing happily. With his fist still grasping onto the blanket tightly, Zhou RenShu woke up. He was a little taken aback when he saw a firm chest pressed against his face. Liu Yong's strong hold on Zhou RenShu had lasted the few hours he had been in bed, even with Zhou RenShu wriggling around he didn't wake up and his arms didn't loosen.

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