Chapter 1

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Late at night when bars and clubs are full to capacity, Liu Yong sat by himself on a corner bar stool. His usual intimidating aura paired with his highly trained body had been transformed into a body that resembled a handsome student, using a body changing seal. Liu Yong had spent the last 3 hours sitting on this stool, the old ashtray beside him had almost reached its limit and his glass had been refilled countless times, though the alcohol seemed to have no effect on his body.

To outsiders this young man looked like a lonely student who had been dumped by his beautiful girlfriend but he was actually waiting, waiting for Wu Yun.

All around him, Liu Yong could feel the different auras that the mix of regular Humans, Cultivators and Demons gave off. The faint energy from humans was easy to ignore as Liu Yong concentrated on searching for a cultivator with an unusually high level. He had been following Wu Yun for months and although he had been close to catching the wanted man, his quick steps always fell short. Tonight however, he knew he would be leaving with a full net.

Another hour passed and the crowded room slowly emptied, with less people it was easier to filter through the various energies. Liu Yong stubbed out his nth cigarette as he concentrated on a strange aura coming closer to him. Using his keen peripheral he could clearly see that no one was around him apart from the bartender that would walk over to either fill a glass with ice or grab a bottle from the chiller. Using more strength Liu Yong honed all of his senses onto the strange unknown being.

Slowly the faint smell of spring dew and light scented flowers filled his nose, Liu Yong had spent the entire night drinking strong alcohol with no trouble but this faint scent caused his entire body to warm, as if a small fire had been ignited in his stomach. Liu Yong tried to use his inner Qi to push away the warming sensation but the subtle scent had gotten stronger, as if whoever the scent belonged to was standing behind him.

Usually no one would be able to enter the room without Liu Yong knowing their presence but his head was now clouded and his eyes were semi glazed over, giving off the real look of being drunk. With no other choice Liu Yong turned around to interrogate the owner of the strange scent but to his surprise there was no one there. Turning around with a slight stumble he raised his hand heavily, calling the bartender. "Ice water."

Even after the third glass the haze over his mind hadn't faded but instead had gotten stronger.. Liu Yong quickly thought over the possibilities of being poisoned but the bar was human owned and the single bartender working tonight was also human. "Sir, maybe it's best if you head home. Do you need me to call you a Taxi?" The bartender looked over at him with a worried expression but Liu Yong didn't answer him as he stood up with difficulty. Before the bartender could get around the counter Liu Yong had already stumbled his way outside, with the help of the fresh air Liu Yong could dispel some of whatever had poisoned his senses but he couldn't get rid of all of it.

Not wanting to be caught unaware, Liu Yong straightened his back and walked with fast steps to get back to his hotel room only a few buildings away. What is happening to me? Also where was Wu Yun?

After entering the expensive hotel and walking into one of the elevators to the tenth floor Liu Yong removed the seal from his body, revealing his true physique and face, even the short hair returned to his usual wavy shoulder length hair and Liu Yong quickly tied it into a bun. His body was considered one of the best in his precinct. Standing at a humble height of 190cm paired with a tanned body made of no fat only pure muscle, Liu Yong could intimidate even the manliest of men. Even if his body wasn't enough to scare away people then his cold face and aura definitely would.

When the elevator dinged and the doors opened, the scent Liu Yong thought had been left behind was stronger than ever, it was almost suffocating. Liu Yong didn't waste time and strode to his door, almost breaking the handle as he turned it. Feeling fully intoxicated, no time was made to take his shoes off as he fell back onto the soft bed. Luckily whatever had followed him from the bar hadn't entered his room. What is going on?

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