San's Promise

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Wooyoung was San's high school best friend but they were not immediately friends right from the get go. Before they were friends, to San Wooyoung was simply a boy in his homeroom class that he had a crush on.

Wooyoung was constantly unintentionally grabbing San's attention. Not only was he handsome and cute, but he also had an adorably infectious high pitched laugh that had San looking up and smiling every time he heard it.

San often wondered what it would be like to hear that laugh up close, what it would be like to kiss the boy, to hold his hand. He wondered what it was like at Wooyoung's house, what his family were like, did he have any pets? Hobbies?

San wanted to interact with Wooyoung so bad, he just never really saw a way to approach him.

Not only did San lack the confidence to go introduce himself, but he also felt it would be weird to introduce himself even if he did.

Although they shared the same homeroom there was a segregation between them because they had each fallen into different social cliques. Everyone had well and truly settled in the class, and it seemed to difficult a task to split away from the social group that he had fallen into and try and wedge himself into a new one.

As the days passed San began to question whether he'd ever find the confidence in himself to break away and approach Wooyoung. The younger was forever just out of his reach.

San always silently hoped and prayed that maybe they'd run into each other by some sheer act of fate and they'd get to talking and become friends, and then maybe something more.

Low and behold some higher power must have been listening because about halfway through first year he was placed together with Wooyoung in a scenario that had his heart going haywire and his body malfunctioning, but when it came down to it an opportunity to finally interact with Wooyoung.

It was PE and today's class was all about self defence. The school had invited two special trainers in from a self defence school, and each student had to take part in this mandatory class during the week.

Their usual Gym instructor and the trainers set up blue mats on the floor in a large semi circle with a mat in the centre for demonstrations.

The students were told that there were only two students per mat, and whomever you shared a mat with was your partner.

San stood awkwardly to the side having no idea who he should pair up with when there was a tap on his back.

San turned around and his mouth went dry when he saw who was behind him. Wooyoung.

"Do you have a partner?" Wooyoung asked. San had never been this close to Wooyoung before and he was now drinking in all those finer details about the boys face, how his hair fell against his forehead in wispy strands and how his eyelashes were so very long they were practically like thick little combs.

"Well?" Wooyoung said when there was no reply from San.

San shook his head to the present "N-no" he stuttered.

"Would you like to be my partner?"Wooyoung smiled with a slight tilt of his head and a smile that San knew he could live off for days.

"O-ok" San said as he tried his best not to shake like a leaf in front of his crush.

Wooyoung began to walk over to an empty mat and San waddled behind like a duckling following its mother.

The pair had sat down side by side, cross legged facing the middle and San tried his best not to be a creep and constantly stare at Wooyoung's smooth tan legs. Wooyoung was wearing gym shorts, and the younger had rolled them up so they had become more like short shorts; instead of sitting just above the knee they sat just above the middle of his thigh.

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