Fairy Lights

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Hongjoong stacked his pillows so they could lean on them and the two got comfy under his covers as they cuddled up together side by side on their stomachs.

Hongjoong conveniently had a light switchboard right next to his bed and he immediately turned off the room's main light and turned on a set of yellowy fairy lights around his bed instead.

Hongjoong then pulled out a packet of skittles from literally thin air and the pair over the course of the film gorged themselves on the whole packet. They'd both watched Spiderman before yet both boys still attentively watched as if they were seeing it with brand new eyes.

Once the film was over Seonghwa flipped onto his back with a slight groan because lying on his stomach the whole movie had given him arm and back cramps.

Like most times after they had watched a movie together in bed Hongjoong scooted closer to Seonghwa's body, propping his head on his hand and looking at him with that special look in his eyes that Seonghwa had only ever received from Hongjoong.

The way Hongjoong looked at him made him feel like the most important person in the world, and the twinkling glow of the fairy lights lit up his eyes making it look like he had tiny stars within them.

This look actually used to scare Seonghwa and he'd find himself getting so shy that he'd end up zooming away from Hongjoong saying he needed to use the bathroom or needed to go back to his dorm room. But now Seonghwa could return Hongjoong's gaze with an equally as wholesome one.

So right now Seonghwa rolled onto his side, his head resting on Hongjoong's pillow as he looked up at Hongjoong, and they both smiled contently at each other before saying those few words that had both of their hearts signing.

"I love you Park Seonghwa"

"And I love you Kim Hongjoong"

It was only recently that they'd both expressed that they loved each other. Seonghwa surprised himself when the words naturally slipped out of his mouth after Hongjoong had kissed him on a date not too long ago. Much to Seonghwa's delight Hongjoong immediately said it back and the pair had being saying it to each other in hushed tones ever since.

After some much needed and very therapeutic staring the two kissed; Hongjoong placed his hand on Seonghwa's cheek and leant down and Seonghwa scooted closer so their lips could meet.

It was soft and sweet, and as always Hongjoong was gentle.

Seonghwa didn't like fast and messy kisses and thankfully Hongjoong preferred the softer ones as well.

"Stay" Hongjoong whispered through a kiss. "Talk with Yeosang tomorrow and stay here tonight"

Hongjoong, eyes still closed, rested his forehead against Seonghwa's.

Hongjoong always asked him to stay and Seonghwa in the end always chose to leave, because a part of him had always been scared that he would commit, fall too deep and then get hurt when his feelings weren't returned. It was a stupid doubt really, particularly when it came to Hongjoong. Seonghwa knew how much Hongjoong loved him and it bothered his own conscious that even with the love they shared swirling right in front of his very eyes he still got cold feet.

But tonight, right now for the first time, even despite Yeosang still in the back of his mind, Seonghwa wanted to stay. He'd never slept beside Hongjoong before, but tonight he wanted to; he wanted to fall asleep holding onto the boy he loved and he wanted to wake up with him by his side too.

Seonghwa didn't give Hongjoong an answer and instead he quickly sat up, most definitely making Hongjoong sad because he thought he was leaving. Hongjoong's face always dropped when Seonghwa chose to leave and it was an expression Seonghwa hated to see, but yet still found himself inflicting on Hongjoong over and over again.

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